Chapter 48

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Lexa POV

It was the next day. Clarke and Lexa woke up late. It was a little before noon when they did. They got right to business. They got dressed and called a meeting. Crystal, Abby, Kane, Raven and them were gonna come.

"I am so not excited for this walk." Clarke said. They stood inside at the front door, not wanting to leave the warm house. Lexa opened the door and a big gust of cold air came in. They saw about half a foot of snow on the ground.

She quickly shut the door. "That's a big nope." Lexa said. "I'm getting the jacket and a hat." She went back and grabbed both of their jackets and hats. The hats were close to the shape of a beanie but had fur around the bottom and the rest was a black top.

She put her jacket on and her hat on before going out to meet Clarke. Clarke put her jacket on and Lexa put the hat on her head, pulling it all the way down so it was covering her eyes. Clarke smiled and fixed the hat so she could see again.

"You are a dick." Clarke told her.

"You love me." Lexa said, pulling her into a kiss. Clarke smiled against her lips.

"Gross." A voice interrupted their moment. They saw Madi in the kitchen. "Do that in private." Madi started to make herself breakfast. "Just because you two and Aden and Nova are in a happy relationship doesn't mean you have to show it off." They both laughed.

Clarke turned to look at Madi. "Mhm, what's going on with you and Taylor?" Clarke teased. Madi's ears and cheeks turned pink. She crossed her arms, huffing.

"We are friends." Madi told them. "Nothing more, nothing less." That was a lie. "Goodbye! Go do boring adult things!"

Lexa opened the door again and they stepped out. "My socks are gonna be wet!" Clarke complained as Lexa shut the door.

"I've never heard you complaining about being wet." Lexa said, smirking. Clarke hit her arm.

"You are dirty and it is not the time to be doing that." Clarke told her, pointing her finger at her with a hand on her hip. Lexa tried to bite her finger off but Clarke threw snow on her face.

Lexa gasped and shook it off. "Oh you bitch." She grabbed a handful of snow to throw at Clarke but she was already sprinting off, laughing. She ran after her, quickly catching up. She threw it at her, hitting her in the back.

They were running down a path, throwing and dodging snowballs and laughing like children, they didn't notice a patch of ice in front of them. Clarke was the first victim but Lexa quickly followed. Niether of them fell. They slid down the ice patch, holding onto each other and swinging the arms around, trying to keep balance.

The ice patch cut off and they went into a small pile of snow. Lexa landed face down on the snow with Clarke on her back next to her. She rolled onto her back to look at Clarke. She got up, laughing and then helped Clarke up. Clarke pulled her into a kiss and wrapped her arms around her.

Clarke wiped snow from Lexa's face. Their noses brushed together. "We should probably get to the meeting." Clarke whispered. More snow started to fall from the sky and cover them even more.

They made it to the meeting room after more messing around. Their clothes were covered in white snow. They tried to wipe and shake off as much as they could but it was basically useless.

When they entered the room, they were met with different stares. Raven looked amused, Octavia looked annoyed, Kane looked bored, Abby was smiling, Crystal didn't seem to care about anything, Bellamy was sitting with Echo in the corner and they were not paying attention to anything.

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