Chapter 18

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Lexa POV

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A familar voice said. Everyone turned to look at the direction the voice came from. Jax came into the slight clearing with five other people behind him. "Ah, Fiona, everyone was wondering where you ran off to." Two of the five people raised their bow, aiming it at Clarke and Octavia. Lexa stepped in front of Clarke, putting an arm behind her on Clarke's side, telling her not to do anything dumb.

Fiona got two axes out. "Don't move or I'll shoot." A man said, pulling back more on his bow. Lexa got out a knife. "It's six against five, but really six against four since one leg is over there." He nodded at Raven.

"I like our chances with or without hobbles." Octavia said. Raven's jaw dropped.

"If we weren't in this situation I would strangle you." Raven said. "And one leg can sink your ship in seconds."

"I am not getting kidnapped today." Octavia said in trig.

"I have two knives at easy access, I'll take out the two with bows and you guys got the rest." Lexa said.

"Aye Aye Captian Raccoon." Raven said.

"Alright." Lexa said, putting her hands up, but still had a knife in one. She moved out from infront of Clarke.

"Put the knife away." Jax said. She put her hands at her waist and quickly threw one at one man with a bow, while she did that she used her other hand to get the other knife out, throwing it at the other person with the bow. They both dropped dead. Fiona got the message and attacked with Octavia and Clarke. Clarke slit one man's throat as Octavia stabbed another. Fiona didn't kill the other man but knocked him out. Jax was left standing by himself, shocked.

"How does it feel to fight with the three most deadly woman in the world?" Raven asked Fiona.

"Deadly?" Fiona asked.

    "Blonde has the highest body count, not in the sexaul way. Commander is the Commander. Octavia is just deadly." Raven said.

"Are you gonna add that to my title?" Clarke asked, walking over to Jax.

"Hedatu Clarke Griffin kom Skaikru, the Great Wanheda, highest body count not in the sexaul way, the wife of Heda Alexandria Griffin kom Trikru of the Thriteen Clans." Raven said. "It doesn't have the same ring as Hedatu Clarke Griffin kom Skaikru, the Great Wanheda, the wife of Heda Alexandria Griffin kom Trikru of the Thriteen Clans." Clarke shrugged.

"Now, we have an upper hand." Clarke said, looking at Jax.

They took Jax as their prisonr. They gagged him and tied his hands behind her back. Lexa took her knives out of the two men before they walked to the boat. The boat was almost beached. They had a dock leading up to the deck from the ground.

Octavia offered to hold Jax as they walked up the dock. They walked up to the deck and everyone looked at them, some man screamed and a few people ran off. A few people that looked like guards raised weapons but Octavia put a knife to his throat.

"I'm starting to like you people." Fiona said, smirking. "Let us through to King Leon and he will live!" Fiona yelled. Everyone seemed to freeze so they took that as a go ahead. Fiona lead them to the captians quaters or the kings quaters in this case. Fiona opened the door since the guards were too busy staring at them.

They walked in. The room looked almost extactly like what the Commanders showed her. In the back of the room, there was a throne, it was nothing much it was pretty simple and it was made out of wood.

"What the hell is this!" A loud male voice came from inside the room somewhere. Lexa looked around and saw a slightly overweight man that looked like just an old version of Jax. It was kind of unsettling too be honest how simliar they looked. The door opened and guards rushed in. The man walked over to the throne and sat down. "I order you too let him go." King Leon demanded.

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