Chapter 29

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Lexa POV

A few more days passed but today was the day they were leaving Bellmare. They had dinner with the King once more which was just as eventful as the last one. They rest of the time, they just wandered around, tried to talk to some people but they didn't have much success in that.

Clarke and Lexa were in bed, asleep. They both were in panites and a t-shirt. Lexa had stolen one of Clarke's before they went to bed. Her head was cradled under Clarke's chin and they both had their arms around each other. Their legs were in a tangled mess as always.

Lexa was the first to awaken. She moved a little so she was face to face with Clarke, being careful not to move too much so that she would wake Clarke up. Clarke's lips were parted slightly and her face was completely relaxed. It is kind of creepy but Lexa likes to watch her sleep.

A few minutes passed. "Werido." Clarke said with her eyes closed. Lexa jumped slightly in suprise. "It's creepy to watch people sleep." Lexa smiled as Clarke's eyes fluttered open.

"Like you don't do it." Lexa said as Clarke whied and pulled her closer. "I love you."

"I love you too." Clarke mumbled, sleepily. Lexa kissed her head.

"We have to get up and pack." Lexa tried to move out of Clarke's grasp but Clarke didn't let her go. "Clarke, niron."

"No." Clarke mumbled.

"Yes." Lexa told her.


"Come on."


"Clarke." Lexa laughed.


"Easy way or hard way." Lexa told Clarke.


Lexa sighed and pulled Clarke on top of her. She sat up with Clarke in her lap. She shuffled off the bed and got up. She put her legs around Lexa and put her head on her shoulder. She lowered Clarke onto the ground and let go of her once her back hit the ground. Clarke didn't let go of her. Lexa was hunched over the floor.

"Clarke." Lexa said, laughing. "Niron, you have to let go. You are like a monkey."

"Rude." Clarke said, letting go of her. She stood up and Clarke sat up on the ground. She started to undress as Clarke stood up over time. They both undressed and got dressed into clean clothes.

Lexa just put on a long sleeved shirt and Clarke walked over to her, wrapping her in a hug. Lexa put her arms around her and kissed her temple. She rubbed Clarke's back before they pulled away. Lexa rubbed her arms as she leaned forward and kissed her head. "You okay?" Lexa asked.

"Yeah I'm just sleepy." Clarke yawned. "Are you ready for the boat ride?"

"I don't even wanna think about it." Lexa said. "After this I'm never going on a boat again." Clarke laughed softly. "I thought the rover was bad. The boat is hell."

They started to pack up the clothes and their belongings. They stuffed their stuff into the bags they brought. They didn't bother folding it up nicely, they just shoved it in there. Lexa did make sure her knives were nicely placed though. She didn't want to harm them or bend them.

They took their bags out of their room and put them on the couch. Clarke went into the kitchen and started to make them breakfast. Lexa started to check the rest of the house for any of their belongings. She didn't find anything so she came back to the kitchen area.

She came up behind Clarke as she was cooking something. She looked over her shoulder and saw her cooking eggs. She kissed her cheek and pulled away, as Clarke shooed her away.

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