Chapter 37

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Lexa POV

About an hour passed. The Queen and her were sitting at the table talking about plans. The Queen had told them that the King called for more warriors. Their weapons were simliar to their own. They didn't really use weapons. Only higher up people can have guns such as King Leon or Jax. They didn't really like sneaking around and sleath. They have very old fighting styles. They would stand in a formation and fight. They had a plan that they would camp out in the trees and use set traps.

Lexa was talking to the Queen when the door opened. Clarke and Madi walked in. Madi walked over to her and hugged her. Lexa put her arms around Madi and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry." Madi said into her neck.

"Dont be. We all had different ways of copeing." Lexa said, "You felt like it was best for you to be alone, I understand that." Madi nodded. Lexa kissed her head and they both pulled away. "Uh, Madi, this is the Queen." Lexa said as Clarke sat down next to Lexa. She looked at the Queen. "And this is Madi."

Madi went over to the Queen and held out her forearm. The Queen looked at them. Clarke nodded and then the Queen grabbed her forearm. They dropped each others arms. "That looks boring." Madi said, pointing to the map. "I'm gonna go see Ethan and them." Clarke hit her ribs.

"I'm justs sitting here!" Lexa protested.

"Yeah but you have the I'm gonna kill someone look on." Clarke said. "And it is starting to rub off on Madi." Madi hugged Lexa quickly and then Clarke before leaving. "She is in love with Taylor in case you haven't noticed."

"Who's Ethan and why do we not like him?" The Queen asked.

"He's one of Madi's friends. Lexa doesn't like boys." Clarke said, putting her arm around Lexa. "Boys and Lexa get along perfectly. Especially when that boy has a boyfriend." Lexa mocked Clarke word for word. "You are such an asshole." Clarke started to rub the top of Lexa's head as Lexa moved away.

"Hey! I just braided my hair this morning!" Lexa said, checking the braids. "You are redoing them if you fucked them up."

"Fine. Can we talk about this." Clarke motioned to the stuff on the table.

"Yeah so basically, we are letting them come to us but we are being sneaky and sleathly and killing them slowly. We know these woods and will set up traps. There will be a few warriors with us like in the battle." Lexa said. She started to go into more detail about the plan. They placement of traps, weapons, all that stuff. The Queen informed Clarke about the more warriors coming. All that boring stuff.

Lexa was being kind of clingy with Clarke. Clarke didn't seem to mind it though. She just felt like she had to be touching Clarke at all times and if she wasn't, Clarke might disappear.

Once they finished with the plan, they were trying to figure out where the Queen could stay. "I can just stay with Fiona." The Queen offered.

"We have plenty of empty houses. I don't think fifty people will be wanting a house within the next few days." Lexa said. "Plus we are building more as we speak." Lexa turned to Clarke. "I also need to talk to you about population and space." Clarke nodded. "We'll show you around, come on."

They walked out of the house and Lexa took Clarke's hand, interlocked their fingers. As they walked, they gave the Queen a tour. She seemed very interested about everything. "Over there is the medical area. Any injury or sickness, they got you covered." Clarke said. "My mom is also the head doctor." The Queen nodded.

Kids started to run over to them, laughing evily. They were all around five or six years old. The kids started moving towards Clarke and grabbed her other hand as they talked over each other. Clarke let go of Lexa's hand as she got pulled away by the kids with fear in her eyes.

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