Chapter 28

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Lexa POV

The nap was about an hour or two and Raven did not wake them up. She actually woke up to Clarke kissing her all over her body from her chest to her head. She smiled with her eyes closed and pulled Clarke closer to her. Clarke kissed her lips and she opened her eyes.

"Good nap?" Clarke asked. Lexa nodded and yawned. She tried to pull Clarke closer. "Lex, we can't be any closer. We are as close as we can get."

"Shh, yes we can." Lexa said, burying her head in Clarke's chest. Clarke laughed and kissed her head. "I love you." Lexa whispered.

"I love you too, Lex." Clarke said, rubbing her back. "I love you so much." Lexa smiled into her chest. "And you like my boobs a lot too."

"Yep." Lexa said, not even trying to hide it. She heard a door open in the house and she perked up. She heard some talking in the kitchen area. "Here comes Raven."

"I don't recommend opening the door." Raven said, from a while away. "There is a good chance they are both naked." Clarke put a pillow over her face and sighed. She started to pull the blankets up. "Listen, if you go in there and you see tits, don't say I didn't warn you." The door opened and the Queen walked in. They both shot up not expecting the Queen to walk in.

"Oh hello." Lexa said, not knowing what to do.

"What the hell is this?" The Queen held up a bloody cloth with black blood on it. Clarke and Lexa looked at each other. Raven and Octavia walked in.

"Where'd you find that?" Clarke asked. Octavia and Raven threw them a shirt. Lexa picked one up and looked at it. It was the hoodie Clarke told her to pack. She put it on and Clarke did the same and they dropped the blanket.

"In the trash can with the rest of your bloody stuff." The Queen said.

"So you know how blood can turn like a maroon if there is a lot of it and it's really dried up after a while." Raven said. The Queen looked at Raven, like she wasn't dumb. "It was worth a shot, I don't know."

"What do we do?" Lexa asked her.

"I don't know." Clarke said. "Quick Pros and Cons list. There aren't any on either side. The only con I can think of is that she might tell the King and he might think we are freaks and do some random shit."

"She didn't tell him we were married." Lexa said.

"Fair point." Clarke said. "It's a birth defect." Clarke said.

"Do you really think I'm that dumb?" The Queen asked. Lexa reached over Clarke and grabbed a knife from the bedside table. She grabbed the towel from off the ground and pricked her finger on the knife. She squeezed blood out and showed the Queen. Clarke took the knife from Lexa and pricked her finger, doing the same. "What the hell is that?"

"Nightblood." Lexa said, wiping blood on the towel. "It's how our leaders are chosen. Only people with nightblood can become Commanders." Lexa handed Clarke the towel to wipe her finger. "I promise we aren't some weird aliens."

"Why were you hiding it then?" The Queen pushed.

"Because people would have this reaction." Clarke said. "Black blood is not normal for people who haven't seen it and for other reasons."

"Can we get like dressed if we are going into detail about this?" Lexa asked, feeling a little uncomfortable as she was still naked on her bottom half even though it was covered by blankets. "Because everytime there is an issue, it always happens at the worst time."

"Fine." The Queen said. The Queen and Raven left. Octavia stay for a moment.

"Glad it wasn't Raven interrupting you this time?" Octavia asked. Clarke rolled her eyes. "She's not mad, the Queen, she's kind of fearful. Just keep that in mind if we want her on our side." Octavia left.

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