Chapter 34

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Clarke POV

A few hours earlier

It was around three in the morning. Clarke had taken one of the four wheelers from the warehouse and in the note she left for Raven and Octavia, she wrote the location it would be in. She had cried for the first minutes of the ride but by the time she had reached the boat, she had accepted what she was doing.

She had left a letter for everyone. Lexa, Madi, Aden and Nova, Raven and Octavia, Abby, Harper and Monty, Bellamy and Echo, Murphy and Emori, and a few others. Some letters were longer than others but that is besides the point.

She parked the rover near the cave and started to walk to the ship. It was only a half mile walk to the ship which would take less than ten minutes.

She took her final look around before walking into the sand and that was the point of no return because the boat was in sight. She took a deep breath.

She started up the ramp to the boat and everyone started to look at her. She held up her hands even though the few people on the deck could see that her hands were empty from the darkness. Some people started to move around and talk.

A man walked over to her. "What are you doing here?" The man asked, with his weapon out.

"I'm here for the King." Clarke told him. "He expects me." The man nodded and took her by her arm, pulling her somewhere on the ship. She would have normally jerked free from his grasp but she let him pull her.

She got pulled to a room she has never seen. She got thrown into the room and she stumbled to the ground. The man followed in after her. He started to light up the room with torches. She slowly stood up and looked around.

The room was wooden and empty besides a chair in the middle of the room. The man motioned for her to the chair, telling her to sit. She sat down in the chair, unsure. She had a strange feeling. The man walked behind her and she felt him grab her wrists.

"Hey!" Clarke said, as the man tied a rope around her wrists and to the chair. He came around front and tied her ankles to the chair. "What are you doing?"

"Following orders." The man said and then stood up. "The King will be with you in a moment." The man walked to the door and left the room. She was left alone in the room. She tried to untie the ropes but she couldn't reach it.

"God damn it." Clarke mumbled as she couldn't reach it. The most she could do was touch it with her finger. She kept trying though but her wrists were starting to hurt from the friction. She moved herself until the rope was on the chair and started to move back and forth hoping the friction from the chair would break the ropes. There was no success there either because the chair didn't have any sharp edges.

By the time she was sure her wrists were bleeding, the door opened again. The King walked in. He shut the door behind him before turning to her. "You made the right choice." The King said, walking over. "Jax will be pleased in the morning."

"Why am I tied up?" Clarke asked.

"Because I don't want you having second thoughts." The King said. "In the morning, we will talk more but for now, get some sleep."

"How the hell am I supposed to get sleep?" She asked.

"Close your eyes." The King said. "It's not that hard."

Clarke was guessing that the King was showing his true colors now. If she could she would wrap her hands around his neck and choke him to death. This must be what the Queen experinced. A man who pretends to be decent when he really is a dick.

"Fuck off." She said, annoyed.

"I will see you in the morning. Guards will bring you food in the morning." The King said and walked over to the door. "Don't try anything, the guards are right outside your door." The King left the room and shut the door. Clarke looked around and tried to figure something out but she didn't have many options, or any at all.

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