Chapter 5

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Lexa POV

As the days went on, Lexa had been getting more things from the Commanders and it was starting to worry Lexa and Clarke. Lexa had subtly been putting more guards on duty and more guards on patrol. The ocean has kept growing but has slowed down a little bit. They told their friends about what the Commanders have been showing Lexa and they agreed to help out.

Raven took Octavia, Bellamy and Echo on a mapping mission to map as much as they could. Murphy, Harper, Monty, Emori and some others were just helping out and making sure everything was ready to go incase of an emergency. Those people were the only people that knew about this. Aden and Nova knew something was up but figured it was best to leave it alone.

Lexa and Clarke were in a room with all of the maps and other stuff. Lexa was standing at a clear board, marking the map of Eden. Lexa grabbed a blue mark and started to draw the newly marked ocean. Lexa looked over at Clarke who was passed out on the couch. Clarke hadn't had good sleep in a few days since she was drawing the big map whenever she could so she was trying to be quiet.

Lexa was drawing for about five minutes before their was a knock on the door. Lexa capped the marker and swiftly walked over to the door. She turned the handle and slowly opened it. Abby was standing on the other side of the door.

"Come in, but you have to be quiet." Lexa said, opening the door all the way and stepping to the side. "Clarke has finally passed out." Abby stepped in.

"What is this all about?" Abby asked, looking around at the messy table, covered in paper and the clear board. "I've noticed that there have been more guards around, Raven has been taking the rover almost everyday and you two have been working your asses off 24/7." Abby's voice was quiet.

"We are trying to keep this on the low." Lexa said. "But, the Commanders have been showing me stuff and it's worrying. They aren't being clear about what it is but from what I've seen something new is coming."

"What do you mean new?"

"I don't know. It's not good that's all I know." Lexa sighed. "It has something to do with the ocean." Lexa went back over to the clear board. "This is the map of Eden and everything around it." Lexa pointed at the different points of the board.

Abby was about to say something but didn't as Clarke shifted. They both waited a second before speaking again. "You know, after Mount Weather, this was Kane and I. I fell asleep on the couch and Kane was drawing on the map." Abby said, looking at Clarke.

"She refuses to sleep because I can't draw for shit." Abby laughed softly. "If you want to..." Lexa pointed to the table. "The journal is on the table, you can look in it from the beginning."

"Be careful mom, flip to the wrong page and you might see Lexa's feeling about candles in her diary." Clarke said, with her eyes closed. Lexa grabbed a balled up piece of paper and threw it at Clarke. Abby laughed as Clarke rolled onto her side, facing away from them. "I'm going back to sleep now." Abby picked up her journal.

"She bullies me." Lexa said.

"You love me." Clarke said, her voice slightly muffled.

"I do love you, now sleep."

"Aye aye Commander."

Abby read the journal and Lexa went back to drawing. Clarke also fell asleep again. The room was filled with page flipping and the marker on the board but other than that it was completely silent.

Abby put the journal down after a few minutes. She had a suprised look on her face. "You dreamt or whatever that?" Abby asked. "I still don't really understand the flame thing."

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