Chapter 4

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Clarke POV

About another week passed. It was around eleven in the morning. Clarke and Lexa were laying in bed, naked. Lexa was laying on her stomach with her arms around the pillow, looking over at Clarke. Clarke was on her side, her head was propped up on her hand, tracing Lexa's back tattoo.

"We have to get up soon." Clarke said, tracing the biggest circle.

"No we don't." Lexa mumbled with her eyes closed. Lexa sighed, pulling an arm out from underneath the pillow and put a hand on Clarke's waist. "As Heda, I say we don't have to get up."

"As Hedatu, I say we kind of have to get up." Clarke kissed Lexa's head as Lexa squeezed her waist softly. "Madi is coming home soon and I don't want to scar her more."

"Madi is hanging out with friends after school so we don't have to get up." Lexa said, smirking. Clarke laughed.

"You should have started with that, Commander." Clarke said as Lexa shifted and wrapped her other arm around her. "What would Hedatu translate to?" Clarke pushed hair out of Lexa's face.

"Heda means Commander and tu means two like the number so it would translate to Commander Two but everyone knows that Hedatu is the Heda's wife or husband, like a second Commander. I mean no Commander has lived long enough to get married so you are the first ever Hedatu." Clarke smiled and kissed Lexa.

"I love you, Lex." Clarke said, kissing Lexa.

"I love you too." Clarke hooked a leg over Lexa's leg. "I love you so much." Lexa cupped Clarke's face, pulling her into a kiss. Clarke rolled Lexa on her back, straddling Lexa's waist. Clarke slid her hands up and down Lexa's sides before stopping them at Lexa's chest. "All rested and ready for round whatever this is?" Lexa teased.

"Shut up and kiss me." Clarke said, against Lexa's lips. Clarke swiped her tongue across Lexa's bottom lip. Lexa parted her lips and Clarke slipped her tongue in. Lexa ran her hands down Clarke's back and landed at Clarke's hips.

Clarke broke the kiss after a few moments and made her way down to Lexa's neck. She kissed her neck, sucking softly. Lexa's breathing started to speed up as Clarke's tongue moved over her pulse point. She ran her tongue down Lexa's neck, to her collarbone.

The door opened. Clarke grabbed the blanket and pulled it up so it would cover them. Clarke laid down on top of Lexa.

"Get dress you horny bitches." Raven said.

"Fuck off." Clarke said, rolling off of Lexa. "We are busy." Raven picked up Lexa's shirt.

"I need to talk to you about the land growth." Raven threw Lexa's shirt at them. "Get dressed on your own or I'll dress you two." Raven left the room.

They both grumbled and got out of bed with some struggle. Clarke had to pull Lexa out of bed but they did end up getting dressed. Lexa was in her black jeans and a t-shirt that was a little too big. Clarke was pretty sure that the shirt was her's from Polis but Lexa keeps denying it.

Clarke and Lexa made it to the living room area, where Raven was sitting. Raven had a few papers on a coffee table. Clarke and Lexa sat down across from her.

"Okay so, the land growth is lining up with our guesses about where it would be right now." Raven said, showing them two graphs.

"I have no idea what any of that means." Lexa said.

"This graph is where we thought the land growth would be by now and this is what it actually is." Raven said, pointing to dots on the graph.

"Cool." Lexa said, still having no idea.

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