Chapter 3

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Clarke POV

It was was about a week later. It was around eight in the morning but everyone was up doing their jobs. Clarke, Lexa, Madi and Aden were walking around the village. Aden was much taller than Clarke and Lexa now. He was probably five feet and eleven inches or around 183 centimeters.

"Remember when you messed up my hair?" Aden asked, as they walked. Clarke laughed as Lexa groaned. "I had to cut all of it."

"It wasn't that bad." Lexa protested. "Right Clarke?"

"It was unique." Clarke said. Aden laughed.

"Is that why your head was basically shaven?" Madi asked Aden.

"Yep." Aden said. "From then on, Lexa was never allowed to touch my hair again. Also I hated the no hair look and feel. Also Nova likes my whatever this is and I like this the best out of the four haircuts I had. Hair is right above my eyes things."

"I miss your long hair." Madi said. "Can't put it in a manbun or braid it."

"You still can put in a manbun but it's not as good as it was during the six years." Aden grabbed his hair and put it in a ponytail on the top of his head, holding it together with his hand.

"Hiding your fivehead?" Madi teased as Aden let go of his hair.

"You aren't even above five foot." Aden said.

"I am like thirteen, give me a break."

"I'm gonna stop this before someone gets killed." Clarke said. She felt someone jump on her back and wrapped their arms and legs around her. Clarke looked behind her and saw Raven. "Get off me."

"We are going on an adventure." Raven said as Nova came up next to them. Aden put his arm around Nova. "Monty and I have done some math and other stuff that no one will understand and we think that we can speed up the process of Polis growing back."

"How?" Clarke asked. "And get off my back." Raven got off her back and walked over next to them.

"You don't get to know." Raven said, putting a bag over her shoulder. "Actually you do. We need to sample the ground and Monty thinks that we can plant stuff there and it'll grow, I mean we would need a ton of soil but, it's worth a shot. If we can get Polis growing we can do other places as well. That's all you get to know, which is basically all of it."

"Where is Octavia?" Madi asked.

"Octavia is training some kids and can't cancel." Nova said.

"Aka, babysitting duty." Raven said.

"So we are going to Polis?" Aden asked.


"Are you planning on walking?" Madi asked.

"Shit, I knew I was forgetting something." Raven said. "I'll get the rover. Give me like five minutes." Raven jogged off as quickly as she could with her brace."

"Raven left me and now I'm fifth wheeling." Madi complained.

"I was third wheeling whenever these two visited me at the pod." Nova said. "Heart eyes just all of the time."

"You flirted with both of us too." Lexa said.

"Can you blame me?" Nova winked at them.

"How did I not figure out that you and Raven were related?" Clarke sighed. "Not only you and Raven look like twins but you just look younger, you two both have a crush on Lexa."

"Not gonna lie, before I found out you were dating for real and then you knocked me out." Nova looked at Lexa. "I had a crush on Lexa. Just like a tiny one."

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