Chapter 26

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Lexa POV

After a while of wandering Bellmare, looking for Fiona, they found something that might lead them to her. There was a large group of people by a firepit and loud noises were coming from the direction. The two of them started to walk over and she saw two figures fighting and people cheering them on.

One fighter was clearly a women and the other fighter was a man. Punches were being exchanged but they could only see the siloqutoes of the people due to the fire. The man threw a right hook punch and the woman dodged, punching the man in the stomach. He grabbed his stomach with his arms and the woman took the chance to punch him, her fist connecting with his face. The man collasped and fell on the ground. The crowd cheered.

"Who's next!" The woman yelled. Her voice was a bit raspy. Someone else stepped out from the crowd and rolled up their sleeves. The broad shoulders and the bigger build gave it away that it was another man.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, do you?" The man asked and then threw a punch, connecting with her jaw. The woman stumbled back and the fire light lit up her face. It was Fiona.

Fiona straightened back up and then attacked the man. He started to block the punches and then started his own attack. Fiona blocked his attacks as well. Another man walked out from the crowd behind Fiona. The man stuck his leg out and tripped Fiona, making her fall to the ground with a thud. The crowd cheered as one of the men picked Fiona up by her shirt. She elbowed him in his side and the man lost his grip on her, dropping her onto the ground.

She quickly stood up and looked around. The men sandwiched her and she didn't have much space to work with. The firepit on one side and then the crowd on the other. She was surrounded.

Fiona put up a fight with the two men but it didn't last more than two minutes. She was knocked down and laying on the ground for the third time tonight. The man had her arms locked behind her and a hand in her hair, pushing her closer to the fire. The crowd was chanting something that she couldn't quite catch onto but she knew it was only encouraging the man.

"I say let her burn!" The other man said next to the man holding Fiona. Her face was insanely close to the fire. She was struggling, trying to break free.

Lexa pulled out a knife and threw it at the man holding Fiona. The knife lodged itself into the man's arm that was holding Fiona's hair. The man cried out and let go of Fiona. She moved away from the fire as quickly as she could. Lexa walked over and took the knife out of his arm. The man cried out again. Most of the people in the crowd ran off by now but the rest were now running off.

"What the hell?" The man asked, holding his arm.

"Ten seconds to run." Lexa said. "Each second you waste, one finger is gone." The man got to a standing position. "One." Lexa started and then the man sprinted off. Clarke helped Fiona stand up.

"I had that under control." Fiona said, brushing herself off. She had a bloody nose and a ton of other injuries on her face such as bruises.

"Sure you did." Clarke said.

"God, I miss that." Lexa said, cleaning off her knife.

"What? Making people piss their pants?" Clarke asked. Lexa nodded. "Of course."

"Why are you two here?" Fiona asked, wiping her nose.

"We need your help." Lexa said.

"Do you? With what?"

"Sneaking into the castle."

"To where?"

"Where the Queen is."

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