Chapter 10

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Clarke POV

Five days have passed. Mostly everyone was better besides a few younger kids and older people. Monty had also done his testing and what they thought about Fiona and Jax carrying the sickness because of reasons Clarke didn't understand, something about DNA and what not. It also turns out that it was only very few people that weren't immune to the sickness. Everything was almost back to normal, school hadn't picked back up yet and Madi was kind of upset about it. From what she heard and read about, school during old earth was a living hell so she didn't know why Madi liked it. Still, Madi was running around with her friends and probably annoying their guards.

Lexa and Clarke were laying in bed, barely clothed. Lexa had a big black t-shirt on and that was it. Clarke was just in underwear and that was it. Clarke's head was propped up on her hand and Lexa was on her back looking at her. Clarke had her hand under her shirt, drawing circles on her hip.

"What do you want to do today?" Clarke asked. It was still pretty early in the morning.

"Lay in bed all day." Lexa's voice was slightly raspy. Lexa lifted a hand and moved a strand of blonde hair behind Clarke's ear.

"That's what you did for almost two days straight." Clarke said, smiling.

"Yeah, but I wasn't in bed naked with my wife." Lexa's lips turned into a small smile. "Or almost naked." Clarke laughed softly and dropped her head, shaking her head.

"You are such a charmer, Commander. You know that?" Lexa laughed and shrugged. Clarke's hand traveled down to the outside of Lexa's thigh, her fingers brushing against her skin. "I won't tell anyone that their big, scary Commander is a flirt."

"I think they already know that I am a pro at getting the girl." Lexa said, as Clarke's hand traveled back up her thigh. "Even though I didn't have a clue what I was doing but whatever it was worked."

"I think it was you looking at my boobs and my lips everytime I was in your tent or room." Clarke laughed as Lexa smacked her arm, playfully. "And you know that you did it too so don't even pretend it didn't happen."

"I was looking at your very big heart." Lexa said, smiling. They both laughed and Clarke leaned down and kissed her. "I love you." Lexa whispered against her lips.

"I love you too." Clarke kissed Lexa once more before pulling away. "How about we stay in bed until someone comes in and interrupts us?" Clarke's hand was on the inside of Lexa's naked thigh.

"That sounds like a deal that I am willing to take." Lexa said, moving her hand to cup one of Clarke's breasts. She squeezed softly, earning a breathy moan from Clarke before letting go. She moved to straddle Clarke and kissed her.

"Since when are you a top?" Clarke teased, as Lexa sat back on her hips. Lexa grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She threw it somewhere in the room before leaning down and kissing her neck, making her way up to Clarke's lips.

"I've always been a top." Lexa took Clarke's top lip between her own two lips. Clarke's tongue swiped across her bottom lip, asking for access. She opened her mouth and moaned as Clarke's tongue explored her mouth. Clarke's hand found it's way into her hair, tangling her fingers in the long brown hair. Their breathing sped up as the kiss got more heated and messy. Clarke's chest rises and falls under her, causing their breasts to brush together.

Lexa pulled away and Clarke tried to follow her lips. She smiled as Clarke pouted but she moved her hands to cup each of Clarke's breasts. A thumb brushed over a nipple and they stiffed at the touch. She looked back up at Clarke who was sitting up on her elbows and smirking. "Boob girl." Clarke said in a husky voice. Lexa rolled her eyes and attached her lips to the soft skin of Clarke's chest. She flicked her tongue over a nipple and Clarke moaned softly. Clarke's grip on her hair only tightened as Lexa massaged her other breast. "Lexa." Clarke moaned.

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