Chapter 33

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Lexa POV

It was the next morning. She felt poorly rested and was holding something tightly. She grumbled and pulled whatever in her arms closer, that's when she realized it was a pillow. She opened her eyes and sat up quickly. She looked around the bed as she felt around for Clarke but the bed was empty. She kicked the covers off, hoping Clarke would magically appear.

"No no no no." Lexa said to herself. She got out of bed and looked in the bathroom but it was just as empty as the bed. She quickly grabbed pants and put them on. She caught a glance out the window and it was dawn. It gave her a little hope that maybe Clarke just went out to help Abby in the morning, she would do that sometimes but very rarely. She was about to walk out the door when she saw a piece of paper on the desk. She walked over and picked it up.

Dear Alexandria,

I am sorry but I had to do this. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if people died when there was an easier way. Please, do not go to war over me, I made this choice and by the time you are reading this, it's probably too late. If the people of Bellmare want to take the deal we offered, let them, we need peace if the human race is going to survive. It'll be the right thing to do in the long run. I can only hope you do. Our years of war and bloodbaths are over. Jasper wrote a letter before primfaya, basically saying that we are the problem and I don't want that to become true.

Tears started to roll down Lexa's face as she got to the end of the paper. She flipped it over and there was more writing.

I love you more than I thought anyone could love someone. I can't put it into words how much you mean to me. You are the bravest and strongest person I have ever met. You are a beautiful person in a fucked up world. I always think about what would happen if we lived a normal life, a life where our first date wasn't a pauna cage or our first kiss wasn't just before we went to war. I love those moments almost as much as I loved our wedding day but I sometimes wonder where we would be if our first date was at some shitty rundown diner or whatever kids did for dates on old earth. What if we were just in love without worrying about AI's trying to overthrow the plant or nuclear waves. Maybe we will get to do that stuff in another lifetime. Please don't shut down your emotions, I don't want you to live like that. I want you to find happiness again and maybe even find love one day. Look out for Aden and Madi and keep them both safe. I love you, Lexa. Always remember that. May we meet again.

Forever yours, Clarke

There were tear dry droplets on the paper, most likey from Clarke crying while writing this. Lexa was overwhelmed with emotion. Her head was telling her to shut down and become emotionless again but her heart was telling her the opposite. She was angry, upset, frusterated, and was almost sobbing at this point. She carefully put the note in her pocket and walked out of the room. She put her shoes on and walked out of the house.

She started towards the training grounds. Almost no one was up other than guards. She was walking up the path when she saw Fiona. Lexa tried to avoid her but it was too late, she had already seen her and she was walking over to her.

"You're up early." Fiona said, a few feet away. Lexa didn't think she could talk without starting to tear up so she ignored her. "Good morning to you too." Fiona got in front of her and put her hand on her, stopping her. "You good?"

"If you don't get your hands off me, you won't have hands." Lexa said. Fiona retracted her hands and Lexa kept walking. She felt her eyes on her back, following her as she walked though. She got to the training grounds and guards and warriors were training. She walked over to the person running the training and told them that she wanted to join in.

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