Chapter 44

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Lexa POV

Some time passed. Clarke had rested up and regained her strength. Octavia and Raven were helping out with some of the clean up and stuff. Lexa and Clarke went to see Jax.

Jax was tied up to a tree with many guards surrounding them. There was also a few other Bellmare warriors tied up as well. The guards were mainly keeping an eye on Jax but were evenly spread out.

Jax was bleeding from his head and his shirt was bloody. He also had a knife in his leg. From what she could tell, the knife was Indra' s. His head was leaning against the trunk of the tree, with his eyes closed.

They walked over and Jax opened his eyes, hearing their footsteps. Lexa bent down in front of him, scanning over his body. He didn't have any weapons on him so the guards must have searched him.

"What do you want?" Jax asked. "My head hurts and I don't want to see your ugly faces." Lexa smiled, finding it funny.

"You wanted to marry me." Clarke said, putting her hand on Lexa's shoulder. "I see you are having second thoughts." Jax looked shocked.

"No!" Jax said, spasing out. "I'll marry you!"

"Chill out, when did I say I'd marry you?" Clarke asked, "All I said was 'You wanted to marry me'." Lexa rolled her eyes. Jax grumbled and mumbled.

"This can be easy or hard." Lexa said, resting her arms on her knees. "You answer the questions and you might live."

"I don't want to talk to you." Jax said, looking away.

"Last chance, I'll get Indra if you don't." Clarke said.

"Don't care." He shook his head. "I think I figured you two out." Lexa sighed. "You two are married." Jax smiled. "That's h-" Lexa got out her knife and threw it very close his head. It stuck into the tree and Lexa swore she saw a little bit of hair get chopped off.

"I'll get Indra." Clarke said and then walked off. Lexa stood up and grabbed her knife. She pulled it out and sliced Jax's face doing so. He yelped in pain.

"What the hell?" Jax asked.

"If you live through the questioning, your head will be on a pike." Lexa said, putting her knife away. Jax turned pale.

Indra came over with Clarke. Indra looked a little too happy for what was about to happen. Indra pulled her knife out of his leg and he cried out. "Make sure he can still run." Lexa told Indra. She nodded.

"We have a few questions." Clarke said. "You answer them. You have a better chance of living the more questions you answer." Jax nodded. "Easy question, we gave you many chances and amazing offers to live with us peaceful but yet you still went to war with us? Why?" Indra was waiting.

"Because we didn't agree with your laws and our people couldn't live with each other." Jax said, looking at the knife. "I refuse to be ruled by two you."

"But yet, you wanted to marry Clarke." Lexa said, putting her hands behind her back. "Wouldn't you rule with her if you got married?" Jax didn't answer. Lexa nodded at Indra. She put her knife on his arm and gave him a small cut. He yelped again. "By the way, whatever the questions you don't answer, we will ask the queen so either way we will know."

"Am I not allowed to marry someone because I want to?" Jax asked. "Also I know you are holding the Queen captive."

"I'll have you know, she is actually being treated like a Queen." Clarke said. "Living in a nice house, everyone respects her, you get the idea. And she's not even the Queen of our people." Jax mumbled.

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