Chapter 21

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Lexa POV

They went home, back to Eden. They were going to go to Bellmare if Aden agreed to watch over their people. They knew if Abby couldn't watch Madi, then Murphy and Emori would love to so besides that, they were going. Raven dropped them off near Abby's house before going to put the rover into the warehouse. They made sure to thank Raven for driving them home. They started their walk to Abby's house.

Lexa took Clarke's hand and then kissed her cheek. "I love you." Clarke told her. Lexa smiled.

"I love you." Lexa repeated. "If you don't let me get seven candles I'm gonna be pissed." Clarke laughed.

"So you didn't outgrow your candle lifestyle?" Clarke asked.

"They are a very good source of light." Lexa said. "And if they are scented, they smell nice as well." Clarke just shook her head, smiling.

They walked up to Abby's house and Clarke opened the door, walking in. Lexa didn't move from where she was standing. Clarke turned around and looked at her.

"What happened to knocking?" Lexa asked. Clarke waved her inside and Lexa gave in. "If I get yelled at, you owe me three more candles, so a total of ten." Clarke rolled her eyes. Abby came out of a room and spotted them.

"Hey, you're back early." Abby said. Clarke was about to ask how she knew they were at the ship but Abby cut her off. "I went to go see Raven but she was gone with the rover so I just figured."

"She's back now but we need to talk to you." Clarke said, as Abby sat down on the couch. Clarke and Lexa sat down across from her. Lexa put her arm on the back of the couch, bending it to play with Clarke's hair. "Do you have plans for the next few days?"

"Uh, no. Nothing that will interfere with my normal day to day stuff." Abby said. "Why?" Clarke looked to Lexa.

"Basically we got invited to go to Bellmare, which is the kingdom that the people live in." Lexa explained. "We are gonna try to go because we could gather information and learn how they live. We will be gone for a few days, probably three or four days." Abby nodded along.

"Can you watch over Madi?" Clarke asked. "She might stay with a friend but it is nice to know that she won't have to sleep alone in the house if she doesn't stay with a friend."

"Oh my god! I thought you were gonna tell me something bad!" Abby said, putting a hand over her heart. "You scared me!"

"What did you think we were gonna say?" Clarke asked, as Lexa started to run her finger through her scalp.

"I don't know? A lot of things came to mind." Abby said. "But yes, I would love to keep an eye on Madi."

"Lex, I'm gonna fall asleep if you keep doing that." Clarke said, smiling as her eyes fluttered. Lexa took her hand away and put her arm around her shoulder. "So we just have to tell Madi and Aden and see if they are good with that."

"Okay what time are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow in the morning." Lexa said. Abby nodded.

They talked for a little longer before they got up to leave. Abby followed them to the door to say goodbye in case they didn't get a chance to see each other in the morning. Abby pulled Clarke into a tight hug, they exchanged a few words before pulling away.

Abby walked over to Lexa and pulled her into a hug. "Aww." Clarke said. "That's the second time I've seen you two hug."

"We've hugged at least ten times." Lexa said. "So you missed a ton." They pulled apart.

"Your special mom, Lexa only hugs me, Aden and Madi willingly." Clarke said. Lexa rolled her eyes. "Oh, you know it is true."

"I only want to be touched by certain people." Lexa said.

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