Chapter 35

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Clarke POV

She waited for the pain but it never came. But she heard the gunshot. Was she dreaming? She still had her eyes closed, scared to open them. She was scared of what she was gonna see. She knew if she opened them, she would be in Hell. There was no way she didn't go to Hell with everything she's done.

She felt like she was a kid again. It reminded her of when she hid under the covers because she thought something was under her bed or in her closet. She wanted to open her eyes but didn't want to see what the Devil had in store for her.

"Clarke." She could have sworn someone said her name. "Clarke." It was closer now. "Clarke." The voice was female and she was whispering but had a strong voice. She felt someone touch her and start shaking her. "Clarke, we need to go! Like right now!"

She opened her eyes. She was in the room on the ship. Nothing changed. She was being shooken harder. She looked around and saw the Queen standing next to her. She nearly jumped out of her skin.

"What the hell?" Clarke asked, looking at her."Am I dead?"

"No." The Queen said, starting to untie her wrists. "We need to go, Clarke."


"Just come on, I'm trying to save you." The rope fell off her wrists and the Queen helped her up. She almost fell over the dizziness. Her head was throbbing. She looked down and saw the King on the ground, motionless. Blood was pooling by his head. "I'll explain later." She was overwhelmed and beyond confused. "Clarke! Come on!" The Queen hissed and started to pull her out of the room. "I got a distraction set up but we don't have much time."

"One second." Clarke pulled away and jogged over to the King. She reached into his pocket and grabbed her ring. She slipped it back on her finger before going back over to the Queen.

The Queen led her out of the room. She heard yelling and fighting above her. They got to the deck and people were fighting. Men and Women. She didn't have too much time to dwell before the Queen grabbed her arm, pulling her in a different direction. She almost tripped but caught herself.

The Queen pulled her off the ship and down the ramp. "They are getting away!" A man yelled. Clarke looked behind her and saw two men running towards them. The Queen stopped moving.

"Go, go, go!" Clarke said, pushing the Queen to move. They started to run as the men chased them. Clarke wasn't paying attention where they were going but they just kept running.

The Queen was falling behind because one, she wasn't used to sprinting for a long time and two, her outfit wasn't helping her much. She had a short dress on with shoes that had a small platform heel.

"We can't keep running." Clarke said, stopping. "Do you have a knife or something?" She started to catch her breath.

"I have this." The Queen pulled out a gun. "It's empty though."

"Great." Clarke mumbled. Her head hurt and her wrists hurt. The men were right behind them. Clarke looked at them. They only had short swords which wasn't too bad. "If something goes bad, keep running, you'll sooner or later run into a guard." Clarke told the Queen. "Tell them that the Commander of Death gives me a clear passage and they'll help you back to Eden." The Queen nodded. "Hide or something."

"You're gonna die." The Queen told her.

"One better than two." Clarke said. "Go before I make you hide." The Queen jogged to a bushy area with some rocks. Clarke started to look around to see if she had anything that could work as a weapon. And just her luck, there was litteray nothing. She cursed under her breath.

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