Chapter 49

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Lexa POV

About a month has passed. The people of Bellmare had settled in nicely. There hasn't been any issues with them mixing in with the people of Eden. They were a nice fit to Eden. More skills were being shared, medicine has become more advanced, more weapons and armour were being made, there were more guards. Everything was good.

They had also started construction on three new villages. They were going to make the village of Eden the capitol. The name was also gonna be changed to Polaris in honor of the old Polis and Becca. They still haven't decided on the other names for the new village. The more things started to develop the more everything felt like home, not that it didn't feel like it before.

Also Madi and Taylor were dating. She found them kissing on the couch and Madi made her swear she wouldn't tell Clarke or anyone. Madi was one hundred percent happier now. Although Madi was spending more time at Taylor's house, that meant Clarke and Lexa had an empty house to themselves.

It was around eight in the morning. Clarke and Lexa were awake and in bed, tangled in each other and the sheets. They had to get up soon because they had to see Raven before she went into surgery.

Lexa was laying on her stomach, looking at Clarke. She was just adriming how beautiful Clarke was as she traced her back tattoo. "What are you looking at?" Clarke asked, looking down at her.

"You." She said with a soft smile on her face. Clarke lightly started to drag her nail on her back. "That feels wonderful." She got goosebumps on her back. Clarke laughed softly and then kissed her head.

"We do have to get up soon." Clarke told her. "Raven needs emotional support before she goes in." Lexa laughed into the pillow. "I really hope this works for her."

"Me too."

They got up. Lexa drawed them a bath and they washed each other. They missed being able to sneak off and bathe in the river but it was way too cold out. They would probably freeze to death. They didn't spend too much time in the bath because they had to go.

They got dressed and put on their jackets. They ate a quick breakfast and left the house, making their way to medical. It wasn't too cold outside but there was a lot of wind which made it so much worse. They didn't waste any time before entering medical.

Raven was on a bed with some tubes connecting to her arms. Octavia was sitting next to the bed. Abby was on the other side getting stuff ready. They walked over.

"Ooo, what are these?" Raven asked as Abby started to put patches on her chest.

"These are magic stickers so we can monitor your heart." Abby said. She looked up at them. "She's already a little loopy. The numbing medicine we gave her has a side effect of making them a little out of it." They nodded.

"O's gonna kill you if you touch my boobs." Raven slurred out.

"Trust me, I don't want to touch those." Abby told her.

"Well, you very much are touching them."

"Actually the magic sticker is touching them." Raven's mouth formed an 'o' and nodded. "Just to be clear, I'm not touching her boob." Abby told Octavia. Octavia laughed.

"Lexa has a hickey on her neck." Raven said. Lexa clapped a hand over her neck and glared at Clarke. Raven laughed. "I'm just kidding." Lexa put her hand down and rolled her eyes. "Clarke, tell your wife to drop the sassiness."

"Raven says drop the sassiness." Clarke told her.

Abby finished getting ready. They said goodbye to Raven before she got wheeled into the OR. Clarke and Lexa pulled up a seat next to Octavia.

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