Chapter 11

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Lexa POV

It was a few days later, Lexa and Clarke were sleeping and it was in the middle of the night. Clarke was on her back, Lexa almost fully on top of Clarke and resting her head on Clarke's chest. She had her arms around Clarke's waist and a leg hooked over both of Clarke's. Clarke had a single arm around her and her other one was above her head.

There was a loud knocking sound in the house. Lexa opened her eyes and yawned. She looked around as the knocking continued. She looked at Clarke, who was still asleep with a little drool on her lip. Lexa smiled and untangled herself from Clarke. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. She walked out of the room, quietly as the knocking stopped. She made it to the door, successfully not tripping over anything in the dark, unlocked it and opened it.

Octavia was in front of her. "Why the hell are you up?" Lexa asked, half awake.

"I was on guard with Indra because I couldn't sleep but I have an update." Octavia said.

"Can't this wait until the morning?" Lexa rubbed her face and held back another yawn. "It's like one am." The moon was pretty high in the sky. "Or just tell me now since I'm up."

"The ship is gone." Octavia said. Lexa suddenly felt more awake. "I don't know when but guards just came back and informed Indra and I offered to tell you. What do you want to do? I mean we can talk more in the morning."

"I want the guards back out there." Lexa said. "They might have left someone or come back. Also, can we meet in the morning?" Octavia nodded and walked away. Lexa shut the door, slightly annoyed but happy that she can relax, not worrying about an attack. She went back to her room and almost ran into Clarke as she entered. "Oh, hello." Lexa said, putting her hands on Clarke's shoulders, trying not to bump into her.

"Was that Octavia?" Clarke asked, basically still asleep.

"Yeah, she came to tell us that the ship is gone." Lexa said, stepping into the room. Lexa closed the door and wrapped her arms around her.

"Really?" Clarke asked, burrying her head in her neck. Clarke put her arms around her and leaned into her.

"I sent guards back to watch if they came back or if they left someone here." Lexa sighed, rubbing Clarke's back. "Like now I don't have to worry about being attacked but now I don't know if they will come back or not and if they do they will want war. What do you think?" Lexa said. Clarke didn't respond. "Clarke?" Lexa asked. "Of course you fell asleep." Lexa put her hands on Clarke's legs and put her legs around her waist. Lexa carried her to the bed. She put her on the bed and Lexa laid down next to her, going back to sleep.

Lexa woke up at a more reasonable time to Clarke on top of her. Lexa yawned and stretched as much as she could with Clarke on top of her. She always felt bad for waking Clarke up for any reason so she just ran her fingers through her blonde hair waiting for her to wake up.

About five or so minutes later, Clarke grumbled and picked her head up. Lexa smiled and took her hand away from Clarke's hair. "Good morning." Lexa said, as Clarke put her head back into her neck.

"It's too early." Clarke mumbled.

"It's like seven in the morning, niron." Lexa rubbed Clarke's back. "And we need to talk to Indra."

"But you are comfty." Clarke protested.

"And I love having you on top of me." Lexa said. Clarke picked her head up and raised an eyebrow at her. "Get you and your dirty mind out of here." Clarke laughed softly and rolled off of her.

"I have a very clean mind." Clarke said. Lexa sat up and stretched. "Where are you going, Commander." Clarke put her arms around her waist. "Five more minutes." Lexa laid back down.

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