Chapter 38

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Lexa POV

The sun was slowly starting to set. Clarke and Lexa haven't moved from the bed and didn't bother getting dressed. Lexa dozed in and out of sleep as Clarke played with her hair.

They eventually got up, well sat up. Lexa started to braid Clarke's hair. She just did single braids mixed in and some other stuff. She brushed the rest of the hair and kissed her cheek, letting her know she was done.

"Do we have to get dressed?" Clarke asked. They both heard the front door shut and then two female voice who one belonged to Madi. "Nevermind, let's get dressed." They both hurried to get dressed. Clarke almost slipped on a sock as they quickly ran around, trying to find clothes. Lexa had stolen one of Clarke's shirts and put it on.

They both looked at each other. "Okay, you go out first and I'll follow so it doesn't look like we were having sex." Lexa said.

"No! I always go out first." Clarke whisper-yelled. "You say that I was changing my bandages, it's believable."

"Fine." Lexa said and then kissed her. "Take like five minutes or something." Clarke nodded and then Lexa walked out. She made it to the living area and saw Madi and Taylor. They were at the table, talking. They both looked up at her. "Madi, you should get cleaned up because we are going to a dinner at Abby's soon."

"Okay." Madi said. "Where is Clarke?"

"She's in the bedroom. I think she is changing her bandages now." Lexa said. "Hello Taylor."

"Hi." Taylor said, nervously. "I should get going. My sister wants me to be home by dark." Taylor got up and pushed in her chair. "I'll see you around Madi." Taylor gave them both a smile and then walked out.

"You got to stop scaring the poor girl." Clarke said, coming out of the bedroom.

"I'm not doing anything!" Lexa protested as Clarke picked a twig out of Madi's hair. "I said hi to her and that was it." Clarke walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up." Madi said, getting up. "Give me like ten minutes." Madi started to walk into her bedroom.

"Okay, take your time." Clarke said. "Pro actress we are." Lexa put her hands on Clarke's hips. She laughed softly and looked down between them. She saw that Clarke had actually changed her bandages on her wrist. "How are your wrists?"

"Eh, not too bad. My mom is kind of worried about infection but I just checked and cleaned it again and they weren't looking too bad." Lexa nodded. "You look so hot in my shirts, did you know that?"

"You only like it because it is a little bigger than me so it shows some of my collarbones." Lexa told her. "And thank you for letting me know I look hot."

"No problem." Lexa laughed softly.

Madi came out a little later and they started to walk to Abby's house. Madi was very excited and lively. Clarke and Lexa were holding hands as Madi walked next to them. Lexa wonder about the special guest. It was probably the Queen or Fiona or maybe both. Maybe it was the Queen and this is like the 'thank you dinner' for saving Clarke's life.

"You guys walk to slow." Madi complained. "Grandma's over here."

"We are enjoying the fresh air." Clarke told her.

"Yeah, you can enjoy the fresh air while walking fast." Madi told them. Madi started to speed walk and they picked up the pace.

"She gets the attuide from you." Lexa whispered to her. She got elbowed in the side.

They made it to Abby's house and walked it. Octavia and Aden were already in there and when they asked where Nova and Raven were, they found out that Raven was helping Nova block out things from her mind. Lexa made a mental note to kill both of them when they get there.

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