Chapter 46

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Clarke POV

It was around three am. She felt Lexa twisting and turning in her sleep. She woke up due to Lexa shaking and mumbling. Clarke opened her eyes and sat up a little. Lexa was curled up next to her, she had sweat on her forehead.

Clarke put her hand on Lexa's back. She didn't know if it was something the Commanders were showing her something or if it was a bad dream. She rubbed Lexa's back and held her hand.

The chance of it being a nightmare is higher than the Commanders showing her something. She didn't want to risk it. If she had to guess she was most likey dreaming about the war. She would have nightmares days aftter the battles they fought in.

Lexa turned to face her and Clarke ran her fingers through her hair to try to relax her. Suddenly, Lexa shot up and looked around, out of breath. She cupped Lexa's face. "Hey, hey, look at me." Clarke said. Lexa found her eyes. "You are okay. You're safe." Lexa nodded and started to match her breathing.

Lexa leaned her forehead against her own. They sat there for a little as Lexa relaxed. "Was it the Commnaders?" She asked, stroking Lexa's cheek. She shook her head 'no'. "About the battle?" Lexa nodded. Clarke wrapped her in a hug and rubbed her back.

She kissed her head and pulled away after a while. They laid down and Lexa told her about her dream.

Lexa was stuck in a battlefield and Clarke was fighting and in trouble. People were dying all around her. She went to run to her but when she ran, she wasn't moving. It was like she was on a treadmill or being held back by chains. But finally, she got to Clarke but it was too late. Clarke had been stabbed through the heart and was bleeding out but then Lexa woke up.

Clarke wrapped her arms around her. "I'm right here." Clarke told Lexa. Lexa cuddled into her and let out a long sigh. "Go to sleep, love." Lexa's head was buried in her chest and her arms tightly around her. Clarke ran her fingers through her hair and hummed softly until she fell asleep again. Clarke waited until Lexa was in a deep sleep before closing her eyes.

When morning came, she woke up to Lexa kissing her neck and collarbones, lovingly. She opened her eyes, smiling. "Good morning to you." Clarke moved her head out of the way. Lexa hummed and pulled away. "How are you feeling?"

Lexa ran her fingers through Clarke's blonde hair. "Great." Lexa leaned in and pressed her lips against her own. "We have to get up soon, we have stuff to do."

The door flung open. Raven walked in, clapping her hands. "Up, up!" Raven yelled, opening the blinds. They both shut their eyes as they were not adjusted to the light. Nova, Octavia and the Queen followed in.

"Why is everyone in here?" Lexa asked, opening her eyes slowly.

Raven pulled the blankets off them and she was hit with cold air. "That was a risky move." Octavia told her. She shrugged. "Anyways, we are going back to the ship to talk to the people. Fiona is getting ready."

Clarke groaned. "Go away, I wanna lay here for a while." Clarke mumbled, hiding in Lexa's neck. "Give us an hour and then we will go." Raven grabbed her ankles and pulled her out of bed. She landed with a 'thump' on the floor.

Raven looked at Lexa. "You touch my ankles, you aren't gonna have hands." Lexa told her. She put her hands up in defense. "We'll get ready and then meet you at your house."

Raven put her hands on her hips. "No funny business." She told her. The group filled out of the room. Clarke got up off the floor and stretched.

Lexa got out of bed and started to get undressed as Clarke shut the door. They both put coats on. They were similar to the skaikru jackets from the Ark but they had fur on the inside. They also had a patch on the arm with a symbol. It was an infinity symbol.

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