Chapter 19

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Lexa POV

They had just got done having lunch with the king and Jax. As soon as they got let out, Lexa almost went running to the deck to get fresh air. The whole time she was in the room they were getting in she felt uneasy. Clarke quickly caught up to her and started to walk with her.

"What do you think about him?" Clarke asked her, refering to King Leon. They started to walk over to a rail.

"I don't like him." Lexa said. "Not like I think something is up, I just don't like him." Clarke laughed softly. "He's annoying."

"Yeah, I agree." Clarke said, putting her arms on the railing. "Good news is that we don't have to worry about anything bad because the king seems fond of us." Lexa shrugged, smiling.

"I wonder how Raven and Octavia are doing." Lexa said. "They should be back soon."

"They are probably fucking in the rover. They updated everyone over the radio, ate lunch and Raven got flirty with Octavia, next thing they know they are naked in the rover." Lexa laughed, knowing it was true. She moved closer to Clarke so that their bodies were touching.

"I love you." Lexa said, turning to look at Clarke. "I wanna kiss you."

"I love you more Commander and I think you won the bet because the king didn't tell us his life story. We didn't get to know about his childhood." Lexa smiled. "So you better know how to stay quiet if Madi is home."

"You act like I'm a sceamer."

"You aren't a screamer but you are loud." Lexa hit Clarke's arm as she laughed. "I guess I am very good at my job." Lexa rolled her eyes and Clarke laughed. "Back onto more serious matters, Madi and Taylor slept in the same bed, I'm changing it to within the next two weeks."

"You can't change your bet! That wasn't the deal!" Lexa protested. "I bet one month and you bet one month."

"What would be the outcome of that?" Clarke said. "So I fixed it."

"Cheater." Lexa mumbled. Clarke nudged her with her elbow.

"So you weren't glaring or doing anything that scared Taylor?"

"No! I walked out into the kitchen. They were doing whatever they were doing, they saw me and they both froze. I started to make conversation with them, Madi asked if she was in trouble and I said, why would you be. Then you came out." Lexa heard footsteps behind her and she turned to look behind her. Fiona was walking over to them.

"How'd it go?" Fiona asked, crossing her arms.

"I got interviewed by the king and Lexa hates being below the deck." Clarke said, as Fiona walked up besides Lexa. "For our standards, that was amazing."

"That is true." Lexa said.

"What was worse than that?" Fiona asked, curious.

    "I met with the Ice Queen for the first time to make a deal and she squeezed her daughter's blood on my face." Clarke said. Fiona look takening back. "Well in her defense, I did try to trick her into a blood oath or whatever but after I cut my hand, I wiped my knife on my sleeve that had posion on it."

"No, do not give her a reason to squeeze Ontari's blood on your face." Lexa said, looking at her.

"What happened to the Queen?" Fiona asked.

"Long story short, I killed her. Her daughter died a little after." Lexa said, proudly.

"It is taking everything in her not to tell you the whole story because she loved every second of it from the start of it to the end of the day." Clarke said.

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