4. to the corner store

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JJ woke up startled to loud banging on the door, "Avie! Get your ass out here!" More banging.

JJ nudged Avie, not wanting to confront whichever brother it was that was knocking.

"Baby, your brother is at the door."

Avie groaned and sat up tiredly before her eyes widened when a wave of nausea took over her body. 

"Aves, you good?" JJ asked watching her pause.

She shot up and swung her bedroom door open and pushed Ashton out of her way.

"Avie! What the fu-" Ashton began before seeing JJ in her bed shirtless.

He quickly pulled the covers over his chest.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, "The fuck just happened?" He asked JJ.

"I-uh" JJ stuttered, slightly scared of Ashton. "I-I don't know." He sat there awkwardly with the sheets over his chest.

"Avie!" Ashton shouted making JJ jump. "You should check on her." He told him.

JJ looked around, confused as to why Ashton wasn't chasing him out of his little sister's bed, "Me?"

"Yes, you, dumbass."

"No, I don't think, maybe you, I just-"

"It wasn't a choice, pogue!" Ashton shouted.

"Yessir." JJ stumbled out of the bed and grabbed his shorts pulling them over his boxers.

Ashton rolled his eyes and let him out.

JJ rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Avie was, once again, hovered over the toilet as she threw up.

"Aw, baby, what's goin' on with you?" He knelt down like last night and pulled her hair back. He didn't rub her back this time, not wanting to piss her off again.

He noticed when she stopped that she was crying, "JJ, I'm scared." She felt her ugly cry coming.

"Wha-scared of what? It's okay." JJ said and looked at her.

Her tears were falling and she stayed over the toilet nervous of throwing up again.

She shook her head.

"It's okay. It's fine. You'll get passed it." JJ tried to convince himself. He never really took care of a girl in this way so he wasn't even sure he'd get passed this.

She threw up whatever was left and flushed the toilet.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." Avie wiped her mouth with toilet paper and began to rinse her mouth out.

"No, baby, don't be sorry. You're sick."

Avie nodded. She knew this wasn't sickness anymore. It hit her the moment she sprinted out of her bed. Her period wasn't coming. She had an intuition and she knew she couldn't lay it on JJ just yet.

"Brush your teeth." JJ said.

Avie brushed her teeth and opened the bathroom door to Ashton standing right there.

"What, Ash?" Avie snapped and pushed passed him.

JJ followed behind and looked at the ground, "hi.."

"Are you good, Avie?" Ashton asked.

"What did you want this morning?" Avie asked and walked back to her room.

"Your manager called the fucking home phone. You had a shift this morning. Are you okay?" Ashton asked again. 

Avie started to make her bed and stopped once her brother mentioned her manager.

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now