34. river

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"Fuck, what do I-" JJ panicked as he reached his hands down to catch the baby that Avie had pushed out, "Shit."

He quickly caught her, one hand behind her little bottom and one behind her tiny head. JJ felt like his heart was in his stomach. Or asshole. Did he seriously just touch a naked, newborn child? He was weirded out but oddly enough, it wasn't gross to him. This was his child.

"Holy shit." JJ stared at the baby in his hands in awe. She was so teeny, he truly felt like his breath was taken away. She let out her first cry and JJ flinched.

Avie breathed deeply as she cried and laid against the sweatshirts that were on the floor.

"Ba-, Avie, you did it!" JJ looked between the baby and his girlfriend, "You did it, baby." He nearly choked on his words.

She tried to smile as she cried. Her body still hurt but suddenly she wasn't bothered by the pain.

"H-here.." JJ held the crying baby out to Avie.

Avie sucked in a breath and took the baby in her hands.

"Oh my god.." She whispered and cradled the baby in her arms, "JJ.." she looked up at him.

He let out a sob that he had been holding and smiled as he nodded.

Avie looked back down to the baby in her arms. She was still letting out cries as she adjusted to the new air.

"Get your shirt, J." Avie told him without looking away from the baby.

"W-why?" He looked at her confused. He wanted to lay there and stare at their little creation all day.

"She's probably cold."

"Oh, okay." He rushed to pull his t-shirt over his head and hand it to her. He grabbed a random blanket that was laying in the back and placed it over Avie's lower region. He noticed she was getting colder as her body settled.

Avie gently wrapped the baby in JJ's soft t-shirt which quieted her little cries.

"Oh my god." JJ leaned back again and settled next to his girlfriend, keeping his eyes locked on the infant before him.

"I can't believe she's real." Avie whispered.

"She's so tiny." He chuckled as he tried not to cry. He couldn't believe he was crying over a freakin' baby right now. He was overwhelmed and definitely scared but for some reason he felt whole. He was almost happy.

Avie smiled and brushed her thumb so softly over the baby's cheek as she rested.

"You okay?" JJ looked at his girlfriend.

She nodded, "For now."

He kissed her cheek and wrapped an arm around her, "I'm proud of you, baby. I can't believe you did that."

Avie sighed. She couldn't believe it either. Just five minutes ago she was in the worst pain she had ever felt in her life and now her body had calmed down, feeling like that never even happened.

"You're a mom." He nudged her.

Avie chuckled and sniffled, "You're a dad."

JJ laughed, "That's gonna take a while to get use to."

Avie nodded and stared down at the baby.

"Can I hold her again?"

"Mhm." Avie moved the baby so she was no longer resting in Avie's arms causing her to start crying again, "Shit." Avie whispered.

"It's okay." JJ took the baby and moved her position so she laid on JJ's chest, her cheek against his warm skin, "Shh," He shushed her softly and tried rubbing her tiny back.

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now