45. open up

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"Look, all I'm sayin' is; it's not a crazy idea." JJ spoke then leaned against the back of the couch and took a sip of his beer as he wrapped an arm around Avie. The pogues were having themselves a night as it was a Friday. Riv was officially one month old and to celebrate: Riv slept in her cot as the crew downed some beers and passed around a joint.

"JJ, you're talking about robbing a drug dealer just to get yourself an apartment. That sounds crazy." Pope had to explain to his friend.

"Sounds like an awful idea." Kie spoke before taking a hit of the joint. Avie laughed quietly and leaned her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and looked at his friends.

Sarah rolled her eyes with a smile, "Changing the subject... I am so happy that things are kinda normal again."

John B nodded in agreement, "Me too. Aves, your parents are cool with you living here for a bit?" JJ looked at Avie for an answer.

Avie nodded, "Mhm, I talked to them this morning. They said as long as I'm safe and happy.. And as long as they can see me and Rivvy." She chuckled.

JJ nodded and raised his eyebrows as his eyes stared out in front of him, "I can't believe the kid is one already."

Pope furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, "She's one month, not year, JJ."

"Yeah..." JJ didn't take his eyes off the ground as he thought about his baby girl being in the world for a month already. It was weird yet he couldn't imagine his life without her anymore.

"I'm obsessed. Look at this picture I took of her earlier." Avie sat up and opened her phone. She opened the picture she took of Riv this morning in a onesie that read 'one month old'. The baby was laid out on the bed with a multiple cute emojis placed all over the photo.

The pogues all gawked over the photo adding in their "awes" and "oh my gods".

"God, she's fuckin' perfect." JJ stated then finished the rest of his beer. He wasn't drunk but tipsy enough to feel more relaxed. He didn't want to get himself wasted and make anymore mistakes. He knew that Avie was still nervous he would do something terrible again and he did not want to lose her or Riv.

Avie sighed as she locked her phone and looked at Kie who sat on the floor smoking the joint, "I really wish I was high right now."

"Why can't you?" John B asked.

"Yeah, here." Kie held it out to Avie but JJ snatched it before she could get her hands on it.

"Hey!" Avie pouted.

"Can't do that. You're not gettin' Rivvy high with your... intoxicated boob milk." JJ responded and made a weird face.

"Ew.." Pope looked away from them.

Avie rolled her eyes, "I looked it up. I just have to wait a few hours after smoking to feed her. Plus she ate like 20 minutes ago so she'll be fine!" She took the blunt from JJ's hand as he watched her carefully.

"You sure, baby?" He asked her and watched as she began to inhale.

"Mhm," She hummed with smoke in her lungs. She waited a moment before exhaling then began her coughing fit.

JJ chuckled and rubbed her back as she sat up.

"It's been a," She coughed, "a while."

They all just watched her and giggled amongst themselves.

Avie took another hit then passed the joint back to Kie. She relaxed into JJ's arm and leaned back against his chest. He moved one his legs so they were on either side of her hips, letting her lay back against his body between his legs.

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now