19. its like im starving

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Avie sat at her kitchen table looking through papers that her OB had sent her, two weeks after the incident with Daylon. JJ was basically healed from his beating, other than his lingering concussion that he didn't care to tend to, and Avie was no longer talking to her middle brother. He, too, began ignoring his sister and JJ every time they crossed paths. It was a sad dynamic but it was the only way that they were civil.

JJ, like old times, had been switching between sleeping at Avie's house and John B's. Mostly John B's though considering he hated being around Daylon. Ashton gave him a hard time but it was always a joke to make light of the situation. 

Rian and Amelia were back to their normal relationship with Avie and JJ, making sure they were comfortable and treating JJ respectfully. JJ always did the same for them. 

Avie continued reading through the papers, or really just skimming everything because it was all too confusing. She reached an envelope that hadn't been opened yet and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She put the other papers down and began opening it.

She read the top few words of the letter.

Sex identified at bottom of page.

Avie's eyes widened as she realized what this letter was. She quickly closed it, not wanting to open it alone. 

She sat, looked around, and thought for a moment about opening it. She could just tell JJ herself.

She decided to wait for JJ so she wouldn't have to be alone when she found out or leave JJ out of it. She did leave him out of finding out she was pregnant in the first place and JJ was upset that he wasn't the first to know about his kid. The least she could do is include him in this.

Avie sealed the letter back in the envelope and walked to her room to put it in her drawer with the rest of her little collection of pregnancy memories. She smiled sadly as she looked at the ultrasound photos, placing a hand on her belly. Though she was still mad at her and JJ for bringing this upon them, she couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart when she thought of their little creation. It weirded her out that she suddenly felt okay with it.

"The hell are you doing?"

Avie quickly shut her drawer and pulled her hand off her belly as she looked at her oldest brother standing in her doorway. 

"What do you want?" Avie asked him annoyed.

"Wanted to see if you're friends were havin' a kegger any time soon but looked like you were having a weird moment." Ashton looked at her weirdly.

She rolled her eyes, "They said something about one in a couple weeks."



"Because I want to get fucked up and we can't throw parties when Mom and Dad are home?" Ashton told her as if she was suppose to know.

"Alright," Avie started, "Anything else you want?"

Ashton shrugged, "Nope."

"Okay, so leave." Avie told him.

"Still not good with Daylon?"

She shrugged looking down. She put up a guard when it came to him. She didn't want people to think she actually missed her brother that has tried to ruin her life. That would be embarrassing. But the truth was that Avie did miss him. The old him anyway.

"I think the kid needs serious help." Ashton told his sister.

"You think?" Avie chuckled as she shook her head, "He spent too much time with that psycho Rafe."

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now