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"I'm starting to get worried." Avie bit her finger nails as she sat on the ground next to her eight month old daughter who was on all fours, rocking back and forth, "What if she can't crawl? She's been doing this for a month now and nothing!"

JJ shrugged, "I didn't crawl until my first birthday."

"Look at who raised you." Avie looked up at her boyfriend slouched on the couch.

"Baby, it's fine." He reassured her, "There's nothing wrong with our Rivvy." Riv looked up at JJ and giggled as she moved her hands as if she was kneading like a cat.

"C'mon, Riv. Go!" Avie encouraged her and tapped her bottom.

JJ bit his lip and watched his girlfriend who stared down Riv as if she had lasers in her eyes. She looked stressed over their daughter not crawling yet. It worried JJ a bit, too, but Riv was as healthy as could be. She was starting to eat solid foods, she got a little chunky, she laughed all the time and hardly ever screamed. She was perfect in both their eyes but Avie was concerned.

"Aves, why don't you take a break; you've been makin' her kneel there for like an hour." He told her. It was true. Avie had been trying to get Riv to crawl every single day and today she had sat there all morning just putting her from her bottom onto her knees in attempt to make her move. But Riv would kneel there in crawling position and laugh.

Avie sighed and stood up, "I'm gonna make lunch." She began to sadly walk to their little kitchen in their apartment above The Brew, "You want?"

"I'm alright." JJ didn't take his eyes off Riv who watched her mom walk away. He saw her lip tremble with a pout as her eyes grew glossy. He sat up and examined her expression, "Riv.."

River looked up at JJ with sad eyes then pointed with her small pointer finger towards the kitchen where Avie was. She turned her eyes to look at Avie in attempt to make JJ go get her.

He shook his head, "You get her." He tested the child. She looked down at her hands before moving them again but not going anywhere, "Go get her, Rivvy." Before JJ could even finish her name, she was off crawling in the direction of the kitchen. His eyes widened in shock that she even understood what he meant. He sat up on the couch and watched her as he let out a heavy breath and smiled, "Holy shit. Holy shit.. Avie!"

"Wha-" Avie turned from the fridge to see River on her way to the kitchen. Avie's face lit up with joy before dropping a water bottle on the table and kneeling down, "Come on, Riv! Come to Mommy." She encouraged and gestured towards herself.

JJ stood up and walked to where Avie was kneeling, "C'mon, cupcake."

Avie nudged him, "Stop calling her that, weirdo."

Riv giggled and picked up her pace before slapping her hands onto Avie's knees when she reached her.

"Ah, good girl, baby!" Avie picked her up and covered her face in wet kisses. She put her hands on Avie's face and pushed her away as she smiled, "I'm so proud of you, Rivvy." Avie stood up with her to meet JJ's stance.

"Oh no.." JJ looked off into the distance. Avie furrowed her eyebrows at him confused, "She's mobile now."

Avie giggled before kissing the baby's temple.

"Now we gotta get her to walk." JJ looked at his daughter before she reached her arms out to him. He wrapped his arms around her little torso and lifted her up, throwing her up in the air.

"JJ!" Avie gasped.

He laughed and held the laughing baby in his arms, "What?"

"God, don't do that." She held her heart, "And let her get comfortable crawling first before we force her to walk." Avie grinned.

"Alright, alright." He kissed the crown of Riv's head, "We'll give you a break. You worked hard."

She laid her head against JJ's chest and took the fabric of his shirt that laid against his chest in her fist before letting out a sigh. JJ chuckled and rubbed her back, "Yeah, I'm sure you're tired."

Avie smiled and watched her daughter's eyes close before falling into a light sleep in JJ's embrace.

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now