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I meant to write this a while ago but I lost the thought so thank you to for this suggestion <3
This also wound up being much longer than I anticipated...


JJ was back to work full time which meant Avie was with Riv most of the day unless she picked up some shifts at The Brew, leaving the little girl to be watched by one of her uncles, grandparents, or many aunts and uncles that were pogues.

JJ had been getting off at a decent time every night which he was grateful for but he couldn't fight the toll it was taking on his mind and body. Putting up with a bunch of stuck-up kooks everyday was the last thing he wanted to do.

Thanks to his moodiness after his shifts, he'd get home right as his little girl was getting ready for bed but rather than be sweet and read her a story, give her a bath or even cuddle, he'd say his good nights put her straight to bed.

Tonight was no different except Avie wanted some time to herself since Riv had given her a hard time all day. The terrible twos were no joke.

"Hey, J." Avie sighed as her boyfriend walked through the front door of their apartment. She was tired and desperately needed to get away from the child that gave her an attitude all day.

"Hey, baby." JJ came in with his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes not focused on anything specific. He seemed distracted almost and definitely not in a good mood.

Avie was aware of his hardships at work lately so she never argued with his attitude knowing how kooks could be. But it did offend her deep down when coming home to his girlfriend and beautiful daughter wasn't enough to cheer him up.

Riv's head quickly turned to see her father, instantly feeling joy the moment she laid eyes on him. She admired him and it was no doubt he was her comfort person despite her love for her mother.

"Daddy!" She smiled widely and ran to JJ, wrapping her arms around one of his legs.

"Wassup, kid?" He forced a tired smile at her as he locked the door behind him.

"She's been a nut today." Avie told him as she walked over rubbing her temples.

"Isn't she always?" He chuckled without looking at neither his girlfriend or daughter as he tried to walk in, dragging Riv along with him as she stumbled holding onto his leg, "Riv, get off."

The blonde girl's eyebrow's quickly turned to knit together in confusion as her father was normally more affectionate. She didn't understand why today was any different and she definitely didn't understand why her father hadn't been excited to see her lately. She pouted and stepped away from him.

"She hit me today, J." Avie crossed her arms and stood in her position as she watched him.

"For real?" JJ furrowed his eyebrows as he threw his backpack on the kitchen table.

"Mhm." She nodded. She noticed he wasn't really amused and almost seemed like he didn't even hear what she said, "She slapped me, JJ. Then tried to scratch my arm."

It was obvious River was showing clear signs of not getting enough attention. Avie was tired from her tantrums everyday and JJ had stopped his nighttime routine of drowning his daughter with love and attention after work. They were too blinded by exhaustion to see that she was simply acting out.

"Damn." JJ mumbled and walked to the living room.

"Okay.." Avie whispered to herself, agitated that he didn't even care for his daughter's temperament, "Do you mind watching her while I shower?"

He plopped himself on the couch as he rubbed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go." River walked over to him and stood between his knees to look at her father who barely seemed to notice that she was there. She placed a hand on either of his knees and pushed herself on her tippy toes, trying to kiss his forehead as he leaned forward.

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now