40. screaming

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The following day was spent dealing with a screaming baby after Avie's parents went back to work from their mini holiday break.

Avie couldn't believe that JJ never showed. Waking up to nothing from him made her angrier. How could he just ditch his family like that? JJ was always loyal until now.

Daylon groaned and rubbed his head as he took his meds in the kitchen. He gulped his water down and looked at Avie who stressfully took care of Riv who continued her sounds.

He shook his head as he thought about how his little sister shouldn't even be a mother right now, let alone dealing with the child alone. Daylon always had it out for JJ, clearly, and now all his thoughts were confirmed.

"You gonna shut that thing up?" Daylon walked over to the living room.

"Don't you think I've tried?" Avie squinted her eyes at him.

"Her fuckin' father should be here right now."

"Did you take your meds yet?" Avie wondered at his sudden anger. He was different than before he went to rehab and this anger didn't match his new vibe.

"Just did."

"Then I guess it hasn't kicked in yet."

Daylon glared at her before rolling his eyes and sitting down. He watched Riv kick her legs and throw her arms over her head, her voice ringing through their ears.

"Oh my god!" Ashton yelled at he barged out of his room and made his way to the noise, "Jesus, Aves, why don't you take her out or something!?"

"Where would you like me to take her!? It's the middle of Winter and it's getting dark!" Avie shouted at him.

"Kid needs her dad." Daylon laid back in the recliner and crossed her arms.

"She had her dad and he didn't fuckin' help." Ashton sat next to his sister on the couch.

"He's coming back." Avie mumbled to herself but both her brothers heard.

"Really?" Ashton raised his eyebrows.

"You believe that?" Daylon chuckled.

"Listen, I was warming up to him and look I'll even give him some credit; he was good to her. But Avie, listen to me. He's always been this way, yeah?" Ashton nodded as he made eye contact with Avie, "He was bound to break at one point or another."

"He's not cut out to be a dad." Daylon added.

Riv held her breath for a moment before sucking in air and releasing a loud scream. Avie flinched and squeezed her eyes shut. Another scream.

"Fuck." She stood up, "Maybe this was a mistake." Avie rethought her entire thought process since she found out she was pregnant. She thought about how even she gave JJ the benefit of the doubt. She figured they weren't cut out to be parents but she felt guilty getting rid of something they created together. Now she was thinking that might have been a smarter decision. Now it was too late. But maybe if she never got the chance to meet Riv, she wouldn't know any different.

Daylon smirked as he scoffed, "You think?"

"I'll take her, Aves." Ashton stood to grab Riv from Avie's arms then sat with the baby against his chest. She screamed louder and shook her head as snot smeared across his shirt.

Avie shook her head letting it fall back, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She whispered to herself but felt sorry for handing off her upset child to her brother.

"Doesn't she normally calm down like this?" Ashton rubbed the baby's back.

Avie shrugged, "If JJ does it..."

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now