2. to a lowkey summer

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Avie woke the following morning to JJ laying next to her. He laid on his back and had one arm behind her neck and the other over his head which was facing away from her. His mouth was slightly opened and Avie heard his quiet breaths, causing her to smile softly.

She turned and pulled herself closer into him.

He turned his head to her and shifted slightly.

"Hey." Avie whispered.

JJ groaned quietly.

"JJ." She whispered again.

"Hm," He shifted again and opened his eyes slowly, squinting his eyes as the sun burned through the window.

"My head is killing me." 

"Okay? So is mine."

"JJ!" Avie was annoyed. She loved waking up with him but today with her pounding hangover, she wanted him to cater to her.

"Alright, alright." He sat up and rubbed his face, "What do you need?"

"Advil and a bagel." Avie picked up one of JJ's shirts off the floor next to her and threw it over her.

He nodded, "How's your hand?"

Avie looked at her hand and rubbed where the paper towel was still covering. The blood had stained through and she was definitely going to need a new covering.

"It's okay, doesn't hurt too bad. I'm going to need a new uh paper towel." Avie chuckled at the makeshift Band-Aid. 

JJ raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I'll go get more paper towels."


After cleaning out Avie's wound again and curing her hangover with Advil and a bagel, JJ dropped her back off at her home.

Her parents were always okay with her sleeping at John B's place. They trusted her group of friends especially after how the protected each other last summer. Though, Avie thinks that they don't know JJ is actually sleeping there with her every time. 

On the other hand, her brothers assumed JJ was the reason she slept there so often. They did not like that.

"Morning, Avery. How was your night?" Her mother asked as she walked into the kitchen. Amelia was her name. Amelia Thomas. Avery loved how beautiful her mother's name was and only hoped her name would sound as beautiful with JJ's last name. 

Avie smiled at how her parents were the only ones who called her Avery.

"It was really good. We sat in the hot tub and then by the fire. We also listened to One Direction half the time so that was nice."

"I'm sure that's all you did." Daylon stated before taking a bite of his cereal.

Amelia hit his head lightly, "Leave your sister alone. She's better behaved than you and your brother combined."

"Hm." Avie crossed her arms and sat at the table. Despite her brothers always teasing her and giving her shit, they had a pretty healthy household. 

"How's JJ? I haven't seen him in a while." Amelia asked, sitting at the table with them.

Avie smiled at the mention of her perfect lover, "He's good. He was working an event today so he had to drop me off quickly this morning."

"Oh so he slept there with you?" Daylon raised his eyebrow.

Avie rolled her eyes.

"Daylon, you are not her father. If we were anywhere concerned we would not let her sleep at John B's." Amelia stated.

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