42. dropping

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okay before you continue you i must inform you all of my plan:
basically i am going to continue up to chapter 50 then that will be the end...(so u have time to prepare yw lol)
after that i may take a break or just begin a spin off/continuation right away. 
i was thinking about doing small scenes and blurbs from JJ and Avie's future with Riv because honestly 1. it would take forever to get to years later and 2. i dont really know of a plot for them afterwards. so i think little snippets into their future would be a cute spin off so you guys can see how JJ and Avie are with Riv down the road.
how does that sound?


It was late. 11:36 pm to be exact.

Avie had done a lot of thinking. Maybe a little too much.

She was driving herself in circles as she thought of anything and everything she could do to address the situation, make it better, give Riv the best future possible. But every single possibility would have some sort of down side.

Ending things with JJ would have many downfalls. Enduring a break up with who she felt was her soulmate would put a toll on the both of them. Co-parenting seemed like an awful thing to do considering they were both still in love. Riv would also be so confused as she grew up. But it would put an end to the uncertainty of JJ's old bad habits making a return.

Taking a break for a little wouldn't change anything, just delay everything.

Staying with JJ sounded like Avie's favorite option. But that could just be because she is comfortable with him. At least Riv would grow up with her parents together, right? But Avie knew JJ could make a mistake again at any given time; when she least expects it and that would make everything ten times worst in the long haul.

Despite all her contemplations, Avie felt like she was going to make the wrong decision no matter what. Anything she chose would have consequences.

She was soon pulled out of her thoughts as JJ dragged himself out of his room. He was still in his boxers looking more miserable than ever. Though Avie won't admit it, he looked hot. His eyes were bloodshot from his headache and lingering high, his hair was a tangled mess, and his boxers were crooked as he made his way to the couch. Avie was laid down with Riv laying next to her as she whined. She braced herself as she  knew Riv was about to explode any second.

JJ swallowed some Tylenol from the kitchen cabinet then sat beside Avie's knees that were curled up as she laid on her side.

Avie sighed and rubbed her daughter's belly.

"Avie," JJ whispered. His voice was raspy and shaky; whether it be from his hangover or just plain tired, Avie didn't bother to ask, "Baby, please look at me."

Riv wiggled and kicked her legs as her lips pouted. She whined more which caused JJ to turn his attention to his daughter.

"Your daughter's about to start again. I don't know if you want to leave or help this time." Avie still didn't look at her boyfriend and continued rubbing the baby's belly.

"Okay, fair enough." He looked down before readjusting his position to face her better, "Baby, I know nothing makes this okay but can I just tell you what happened?"

Avie raised her eyebrows before Riv began whaling.

JJ sighed and stared.

Avie sat up on her elbow and brought Riv closer to her but she screamed louder.

"C-can I take her?" He looked at his girlfriend with hope. He wouldn't blame her if she said no. He did just drop them like they were nothing then showed up blacking out.

Baby Pogue // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now