Jamaica, Jamaica!

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I woke up to the sound of Ava crying. It was bright and I could hear birds chirping and feel the fresh ocean breeze. I yawned and looked around to find myself on the bed next to Ava fussing around and Tremaine who is smiling at me.

Keisha "Morning baby." I kissed Ava on her cute little cheek. And then smiled back at Trey and kissed him on his cheek. "Morning Babe."

Trey "Morning baby."

Keisha "Did you lift me inside or something? Cause..."

Trey "Yes, I did. Sh*t was mad cold out there in the early morning, made my lil man shrink more and heightened my blue balls."

Keisha "Trey!" I said and playfully slapped him. "Aww I'm sorry about that, but I was on mommy duties."

Trey "You owe me though."

Keisha "Tonight."

Trey "I ain't waiting till then. You better meet me in the shower or sum."

I laughed at him and kissed him.

Keisha "When Ava falls back to sleep."

My phone rang out loud. I looked at it and it's Draya.

Keisha "Hello?"

Draya "So what's up? What are the plans? Where do I need to be?"

Keisha "Draya, what are you talking bout?"

Draya "Keisha?"

Keisha "Yes b*tch you called me?"

Draya "Oh sh*t wrong number. Love you though boo. How is Jamaica?!"

Keisha "Really nice and calming. We are thinking of staying here for a while." I smiled at Trey because once he heard me say that, his face lit up.

Draya "That would be a perfect place for the wedding! I'm happy for you guys!"

Keisha "Girl! What you talking bout?"

Draya "I mean my wedding! And I'm happy for you guys, you know? Y'all need this." She said mad fast. "So how is Ava? Can I speak with Trey? You know what? Never mind cause I..."

Trey grabbed my phone out of my hand and yelled at Draya. He told her I was busy then hung up and threw my phone back on the bed next to me.

Keisha "Babe, wat is your problem? Why did you do that?" I questioned.

Trey "Nah, this our time. Tell that b*tch to chill."

Keisha "Aww, is it the blue balls talking?"

Trey "You funny." He kissed my forehead then walked away. "Ill be back." He said pulling his phone out of his sweat pants and dialed a number.

Keisha "Love you too babe." I laughed and texted Draya sorry, then picked Ava up and breast fed her.

A few minutes later Trey came back and sat on the bed beside me.

Trey "I've got a surprise for you." He smiled.

Keisha "Really? What is it?"

Trey "Here. Open it." He handed me a gold envelope with what felt like a card inside.

Keisha "Aww Babyy! What's is this?" I smiled and began to open it up.

Trey "You'll see." He smiled.

Keisha "Omg baby! You are the f**king best! Omg! Damn, I'm bouta have some fun with this." I smiled mad big looking down at the certificate for a spa day and his black card!!! "Baby you sure you wanna leave me with this?" I laughed and looked at him.

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