Heartache (The Worst)

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Trey made news again because he found Chris and whooped his ass really bad to the point where he needed medical attention. He was in trouble with the law this time because he was arrested for assault plus breaking and entering since he also kicked the door in. I felt helpless because he wasn't accepting any of my calls while in jail, he refused to speak to me. I am really concerned and need to know if he is ok. He was arrested in Vegas so this made it even more hard because I would have to catch a flight to go visit him. I didn't care though, I want my man back and I decided to go bail him out even though he could do it himself. But knowing Trey he would stay locked up just to get away from things for a bit.

I wiped my eyes from all the tears that never seem to end. I Picked up my home phone and booked a ticket to Vegas for tomorrow. I can't stand the heart ache anymore, I'm lost without him. Even though Chris and I kept it 100% friendly I know I was wrong for doing extra sh*t and lying to Trey. I guess Trey wasn't playing when it comes to Chris and I seeing each other. If I want my man back, I really need to get it together and forget about something's or people in my past and move on.

I opened my laptop and ordered a new phone with a new number. I will pick it up tomorrow at the BestBuy store on my way to the airport. I don't want any drama so only my close friends, family and business contacts will have my new number. Also because I want to show Trey that I am serious about loving him and wanting to be with him for the rest of my life. After I ordered it I felt sick to my stomach so I drank some hot tea and fell asleep early.

The next morning I woke up at 9am, I can't believe I over slept and almost missed my flight. I rushed and washed up and got dressed and belted out the door into the Cadillac escalade waiting for me outside. We stopped at Best Buy on out way to the airport and picked up my new phone. It is the iPhone 6. Looks sleek, cute and shiny. Despite all the sh*t in my life I felt a bit if joy exploring it. It was like a tiny ray of light entering my world telling me it's going to be ok. I smiled for a second when I entered Trey's number in my phone. I reminisced on how we first met and how I missed his sweet embrace. I love him so much. I snapped back to reality when we reached the airport. I got out and boarded the plane I chartered.

I landed in Vegas at 3pm and almost missed visiting hours. I hopped in the black GMC with tinted windows and told the driver to step on it. I arrived at the jail house at 3:30pm and visiting hours end at 4pm. I walked in the building and straight up to the counter.

Keisha "Um hi. My name is Keisha and I believe that my boyfriend is being held in here. Tremaine Neverson?"

Female Officer "Oh Trey Songz? Yea, we got him." She said to me acting like she knows him well.

Keisha "I will like to bail him out please."

Female Officer "Ok, fill this out." She handed me some release forms. "I'll be back." She walked to the back.

I grabbed the forms and began filling them out. It took about 15 minutes but I finished them all. I sat in a chair next to the counter until she came back. About five minutes later she came.

Female Officer "Sorry ma'am but he refused bail and do not wish to see you." She said showing no emotion.

Keisha "What?" I broke down crying right there because it sucked soooo bad I wanted to disappear. I can't believe that he didn't want to see me.

Keisha "Is there a way I can go back there and talk to him for a minute?"

Female Officer "Sorry. I can't let you do that ma'am. My best advice is to let him cool off and then try again." She seemed to show some care this time.

Keisha "You might be right. Thank you." I wiped the tears which streamed down my face then put my dark shades on and walked out. Again I felt sick. This time my head hurt and I'm nauseous. I was also very hungry, I didn't eat this morning. I hopped in the car and asked to chauffeur to go to a McDonalds drive through and then a pharmacy for some pills. He followed my instructions.

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