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A week passed and Trey still was not back. He got booked for a few more shows and events across the country. We kept in touch though. We talked on the phone almost everyday and when he was too busy we just texted. Im not gonna lie, I was kinda worried that he would cheat but couldn't dwell on that if I wanted a good relationship. I took the time apart to snap back to reality and take care of my business and hang with my girls.

It was now late November and thanksgiving and my baby's birthday was coming up on the 27th and 28th. He didn't want to do anything big this year, he just wanted to take me to his family's house in VA and I wanted to take him to my family's house in NJ. We decided that we would spend thanksgiving day with my fam and then spend his bday with his fam. I thought he was the sweetest.

November 26th, 5:04am

I stood inside of JFK international airport waiting for my man to arrive. I was wearing dark grey VS sweats with the hood over my head hoping no one would notice. Trey usually flys private but he tried to find a flight too late and due to the holiday he had to do first class. My heart started beating fast when I saw him. He had on a hat, sun glasses and a scarf wrapped around his head as a disguise. I ran to him and hugged him tight.

Keisha "hey baby"

Trey "hey sexy"

I squeezed him and he lifted me up

Keisha "I can't wait until you unwrap your scarf"

Trey "I know, me too"

Trey's bodyguard "Keisha, I know you miss your man and all but we gotta move before people notice him"

Keisha "ok" we held hands and walked out side with one of his body guards in front and the other in the back. They loaded his luggage in the trunk of the hired Cadillac escalade and got in the middle seats. Trey and I were in the back. I unwrapped his scarf for him and it was a done deal. I planted my lips on his while holding his head with my hands for a good grip and I tongued him down. "Umm, I missed you"

Trey"how you been babe. I missed you a lot. I'm mad hyped to see you right now" he said fondling my breast

Keisha "Trey!" I playfully lashed his hand off

Trey "babe, I'm hungry" he said laying his head on my shoulder.

Keisha "I'll make you breakfast when we get to my place" I said wrapping my arms around him for comfort. I knew he worked hard and was tired so I will do whatever it takes to make him feel at ease.

We arrived to my house at 6am and it was now starting to get bright . Trey took a shower while I made breakfast. I cooked eggs , bacon, pancakes and oats. I laid out some fruits and orange juice and a glass of water. my baby ate like a man so I held it down in the kitchen. Trey and I sat at the table and ate. When we were done he went to the couch to lay down and watch tv while I washed the dishes. After I was done I told him to take off his shirt so I can massage him. He complied and I sat on his ass, poured a little massaging oil on his back and went to work.

Trey "babe, you are the best. This feels so good."

After the massage he turned around and I laid on his chest and we both fell asleep. We slept for 5 hours. when we woke up, I cooked us lunch. I made spaghetti and meatball with Parmesan cheese.

Trey "this is sooo good. I can't tell the last time I had this"

Keisha "I'm glad you like"

We ate and went to my bed to lay down , cuddle and "catch up" if you know what I mean. While laying, talking and laughing, Trey undressed me and himself. He climbed on top of me.

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