Trying to Fixing Our Mistake

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It was 1am the morning after we got back from VA. My cell rang and I couldn't see clearly who it was, so I decided not to answer but it rang again.

Keisha "hello?"

August "can I come over?"

Keisha "who is this?"

August "August"

Keisha "are you crazy? You trying to come over after what happened?"

August "I just wanted to apologize because I messed up and it's been killing me inside."

Keisha "I understand but look at the time"

August "I clearly know what time it is but I don't see where we can talk in private when your man and my girl is around"

Keisha "ok, fine, I'll unlock the door, come when you ready"

August "ok, I'll be there in a sec"

Keisha "is Draya asleep?"

August "yea"

Keisha "ok"

I hung up the phone and went back to bed. Shortly after August came in my room and sat on my bed.

August "so I owe you an apology and I really messed up. Don't think that is who I am, it's just that I was drunk out of my mind and well, drunk in loveeeeee" he sang the last part to me and we both laughed.

Keisha "you funny. I can't believe that I gave you a boner. That is crazy"

August "why can't you believe it? it's not like you ugly. You fine as hell"

Keisha "thank you, I know I'm bad"

August "you more than bad but imma get outta here before the sleeping giant in my pants wake up"

Keisha "ok, and I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kissed you back."

August "it's all cool" he said walking out.

Keisha "wait! Wouldn't it be strange between us now? how should we act around each other?"

August "good question. Idk, just try to chill when you see me and I'll do the same. I'm really sorry tho because I'm not trying to loose my hitta fo life over some stupid sh*t like this and I know you not trying to lose yo girl"

Keisha "true. This is really messed up, should we tell them?"

August "it would be the right thing to do but idk how shawty gon react man. I know she loves me and I love her too. The last thing I want to do is break her heart"

Keisha "damn. Idk how Trey is going to take the news, I know we will be done for sure" I said in a low voice and began to cry.

August came back and hugged me to comfort me.

August "don't do this to me man. Stop the tears, it will be ok. I promise, I'll find a way to talk to Trey but if I'm missing my nuts by the end of the conversation, you know I did it for you" he kissed me on my forehead and moved my hair out of my face.
Again we locked eyes and was about to kiss when I pulled away.

Keisha "we need to stop doing that"

August "agreed. You gon be ok?"

Keisha "yea"

August "ok, let me get out of here before Draya wakes up"

Keisha "night"

He left my room and went back to Draya's condo.

Later in the morning I felt someone kissing and touching on me.

Keisha "Umm August, we shouldn't do this..." I didn't hear him reply, I opened my eyes and saw Trey looking at me puzzled.

Trey" wtf was that about?"

Keisha "wat?"

Trey "did you just say Augusts' name?"

Keisha "idk babe, maybe I was dreaming"

Trey "dreaming about August? something int right with that."

Keisha "well idk what I said, we don't even know if I called his name for sure"

Trey "whatever, I heard wat I heard. Anyway, wake yo ass up, let's go running"

Keisha "baby, isn't it too early?

Trey "you got lazy babe, get up. let's go"

Keisha "you are right, ok, hold on lemme shower first"

Trey "babe! you are going running. Y'all girls and this beauty sh*t man"

Keisha "I'll be quick. love you" I said jumping off my bed running into my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I dressed into my grey and green track pants, the sports bra and sweater to match and my grey and green Adidas.
I walked back in the room and put my hair in a bun.

Keisha "bae, I'm ready"

Trey "it's about time."

We left my house and on the way down we bumped into Draya and August in the lobby.

Draya "heeey, girl!"

Keisha "hey baby" I hugged her

Draya "running?"

Keisha "yea. where y'all going?"

Draya "breakfast and then the studio. He got to work."

Keisha "ok cool. see you guys later"

Draya "oh, I forgot to tell you, cash money is having a party this Saturday in LA and we are invited b*tch!"

Keisha "so how come idk bout this?"

Draya "did you check your inbox?"

Keisha "no"

Draya "well get a new phone b*tch and you will see your invite"

Keisha "ok cool. And yes I'll buy a new one today"

Draya "ok, well we gotta go, see you guys later"

Keisha "ok bye Hun. Later August"

August "bye. Trey, I'm out son" they dapped and August and Draya left.

Trey and I walked out of the building and entered the park next to my building.

Trey "ight babe, you run in front of me, you will be my motivation"

Keisha "babe, you are such a perv but let's do it"

I ran off and he ran behind me. My bae was staring at my ass the entire time. I felt like the baddest b*tch. I was mad hyped that all these n***as wanted me but I also felt uneasy about what I did behind Trey's back. I felt the tears coming but I couldn't cry now because he was right there. I quickly wiped my eyes and kept pushing. We ran for about 45mins and did some squats and sit ups in the park and I headed back to my house and Trey went to his house after we kissed goodbye.

When I got back to my house I took another shower and ate some Oates and fruits and drank water. My body was soar so I decided to put on my pink bikini and soak in my hot tub on the balcony. It was cold out but it's cool with me. I just made the water extra hot. I dipped my self inside and sat by the wall. I leaned my head back to rest on the edge and I just starred up at the sky from through my Gucci sun glasses. I felt good. It was very calm and serene.

Guy "Keisha!"

I jumped up like wtf? I turned to the side to see the guy from next door calling me.

Keisha "oh, hey!" I yelled back because he was on his balcony.

Shawn "can I join?!"

Keisha "not today hun, I'm expecting my boyfriend to be here soon and besides I was just about to go inside. Maybe next time" I lied

Shawn "it's cool, I'll take you up on that"

Keisha "ok, talk to you later" I said wrapping my towel around and walking inside. He needs to back off because I'm not feeling him at all.

I dried my skin, lotion and got dressed. I chilled on my couch all day watching movies...

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