Hmm, August!

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The next morning I woke up really early before everyone. I ordered breakfast for them and myself then. I took a shower and got dressed in a white ripped jeans and a black tank top. I put on my black red bottoms and picked up my black ysl purse and headed out the door.

The only reason I'm out so early is because August texted me and said he is in pain and Draya had to go to the hospital, because she is not feeling well. I got in a cab and arrived at their hotel 30 minutes later. I walked through the opened door and locked it behind me.

Keisha "August!?" I looked around for a bit then noticed him laying on his back on the bed and his feet hanging off touching the floor. He didn't have on a shirt, just his jeans and a Kelvin Klein brief which was visible due to his white jeans sagging. His tatts were showing and his one hand was in his pants. He looked like he was sleeping so I decided to wake him up to see if he is ok.

Keisha "Looks like we are matching. Rise and Shine August!"

August "Ah, you are here, great. Can you please get me those pills over there." He pointed to the night stand near the bed.

Keisha "Aww poor baby. What did the doc say?" I asked while bending over and reaching for the pills.

August "..."

Keisha "Um hello?" I looked around and he was half way up looking at my ass. "F**king jerk!" I pushed him back down on the bed and laughed. He laughed too, but quickly shut up because of the pain.

I gave him the pills with some water. He drank them and just laid there.

August "Thanks. Oh and the doc said I'm fine, just gonna be soar for a few days. That's what the pain killers are for though."

Keisha "Cool."

August "You alone?"

Keisha "Yea, why?"

August "Cause I'm not trying to let your man hear me when I say you looking like a bag of money." He said licking his lips and placing his hands behind his head.

Keisha "You better stop that before I inflict more pain on you." I said laughing.

August "Cook for me, I'm hungry." He said rubbing his tummy.

Keisha "You are such a baby." I sat on the bed next to him and glared at his lips.

August "Please."

Keisha "You bout to get me in more trouble. What do you want?"

August "Pancakes, eggs and bacon with a cherry on top." He said looking me dead in the eyes.

Keisha "Ok, I'll be back." I took my heels off and headed to the kitchen.

I whipped the batter and poured it in the pan. 15 minutes later the pancakes were ready. I placed them on a plate off to the side and grabbed the uncooked eggs and bacon and put them in the pan. I was about to pick up the salt when I felt two hands wrap around my waist and kisses on my neck.

Keisha "What are you doing?" I turned to face August who was all up on me. He is taller than Trey and my mind went wild thinking about climbing him. I love my men tall.

August "Remember when I said I want a cherry on top? I meant you." He leaned in and kisses me.

Keisha "Hmmm, you know we can't do this." I managed to get out of my mouth.

His hands began to roam all over my booty. He unzipped my pants and took my tank top out and ran his hand straight up and onto my breast. He squeezed it mad hard.

Keisha "Ahh, August, hmm." I couldn't control the urge to f**k him any more, so I gave in. I pulled his head in for a kiss and we frenched.

He lifted me up and took me back to the room. He took my pants and underwear off and ate me out. I moaned really loud cause it is great! He pushed his tongue in my vagina a few times then fingered me after. He came up and put his finger in my mouth so I can taste. He is on a another level of nasty! but I like it.

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