The ER

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Trey's POV

Getting to the hospital seems like it took forever. Especially since I had to sit at the back of the ambulance and watch the paramedics try to resuscitate her. She had labored breathing and she was still bleeding. I was never this scared in life. I sat there motionless with my two hands folded under my chin, my head down, my right leg moving up and down very fast and blood shot red eyes. I was nervous as hell.

We finally reached NY Presbyterian Hospital and they wheeled her in and told me to have a seat in the waiting room. I did as they said but I am too restless to stay there for long so I kept pacing the hallway back and forth. Every thirty minutes that went by I would ask the nurses for an update but they couldn't give me any information until the Doctor gives permission. It was only an hour of wait time but it felt like years.

I pushed my hands in my pocket to get my phone to call our parents but I remembered it was smashed to pieces.

Trey "Sh*t!" I thought for a bit and then went to the front desk. "Excuse me."

Nurse "Mr. Neverson I'm sure she is going to be alright. We do not have an update yet."

Trey "I appreciate that but that's not what I wanted to ask about."

Nurse "Oh, I'm sorry. What can I help you with?"

Trey "A phone call or two."

Nurse "Sure." She put the phone on the counter so I could reach it.

Trey "Thanks, my phone is broken so I have no choice."

Nurse "It's ok, go ahead."

I picked up the phone and dialed her mom's number first and broke the news. Her mom cried for a bit because she doesn't like bad news and she was worried. She told me she will be on her way to the hospital right away and she will inform Mr. Carter as well. I then placed a call to my mom.

Ms. April " Hello? Who is this?"

Trey "Mom it's me, Trey."

Ms. April "Morning baby, I hope it's good news! I see you calling from the hospital, is she pregnant?!"

I paused for a bit not wanting to express my self and show any emotions.

Ms. April "Trey? What's wrong baby? Is everything ok?"

Trey "Mom I woke up this morning to a wet feeling on her side of the bed, when I looked down blood was everywhere."

Ms. April "OMG Oh No Trey! What happened? Is she ok? What about the baby?"

Trey "I'm not sure of anything right now, they won't release any information."

Ms. April "Say no more, Forrest and I are on our way. Forrest! Wake up! Keisha is I'm the hospital, we gotta go now!" She yelled to him.

Trey "Ok, I don't have my phone so I'll be in the ER waiting room. Mom can you bring me some fresh clothes? I'm all bloody."

Ms. April "I don't like the sound of things at all but I'll bring you a shirt and pants from Forrest."

Trey "Thanks, see you soon. Bye."

I hung up and went back to sit. A few minutes later both of our moms and Forrest came rushing through the door. They saw me and hugged me. Keisha's mom rushed up to the counter and demanded answers, they lucky the doctor came out to give us information the same time because Mrs. Carter wasn't playing.

DR. Richards "Tremaine Neverson?"

Trey "That's me!" I ran over to him. "Doc before you tell me anything else please tell me she is ok because if she is not everything else is irrelevant."

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