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Trey "Turn around n*gga. I want my face to be the last thing you see before you die."

Keisha "Wait what? Baby no! Please! You will go to prison for life and Trey, I don't want that! Who is gonna protect me? Who is gonna protect Ava?! I need you baby please! No!"

Trey "I love you Keisha but ain't no n*gga will ever disrespect mine again." With that said I looked at his hand with the gun in it and saw his finger pull the trigger.

Keisha "Noooooooooo!!"

Bang💥, Bang💥 two shots rang out loud.

My face and shirt instantly covered with blood. I looked at my self up and down and trembled in place. I'm completely speechless, idk wtf to say! I looked up at Trey and you can tell that he is speechless as well. His hand was still out pointing the gun in B.O.B's direction.

I don't wanna look because I don't wanna face reality right now. I finally made up my mind to look and what I saw I didn't wanna. I looked back up at Trey but he is now on the floor being cuffed by police who bum rushed my condo.

Keisha "Nooooo! Baby! Please don't take him! Noooo! Treyyyyy!!!" I busted out crying as they roughly cuffed him and pulled him up to stand. I tried hugging him but they roughly pulled me back and cuffed me too.

Trey spazzed by the sight of that and head butted the cop in front of him who then blocked out. He managed to get loose from the one holding him from behind and he came over to me. We got one kiss in before they separated us and dragged us in the elevator.

Between the tears and blood that covered my face I looked through the closing elevator doors and at B.O.B on the floor with his entire head covered in blood. Paramedics are trying to revive him but I see no movement. I began crying the loudest I ever did in my life.

Trey "Baby idk when imma see you again but I love you."

Keisha "Nooo! I did it! I shot him! It was me!" I cried louder.

Trey "What?! Nah babe, I'd never let you take the fall for me." He said holding back tears.

Keisha "I love you baby! Please don't leave me Trey! I love you."

He leaned his forehead against mine and we managed to get one more kiss in before the female officer pulled me away mad hard.

Trey "Yo what the f**k! That's a female! Y'all mother f**kers need to take her to the hospital that's what the f**k y'all need to do!"

Female Officer "Ma'am are you hurt?"

Keisha "....I've...I've been rape..."

Trey "Now you wanna ask her all that sh*t!?! Just f**king get her to the hospital man!" He spazzed out even more cutting me off. I guess he didn't wanna hear me utter that word.

The officer got on her radio and mentioned some code and the operator radioed back to let her know an extra ambulance is on the way. We finally got outside and I saw a bunch of people from the building just standing there watching including Draya. Once she saw that we were involved she began freaking out.

Draya "Keisha! Trey! Omg! What happened?! Where is Ava?!"

Keisha "Draya call my mom please! She is there!" I broke down even more crying when I thought about that, because right now I feel like we f**ked up as parents. "Please just make sure she is ok!"

Draya "August you gotta come now! Trey and Keisha are being arrested!..Idky! Baby please just hurry!" She cried into her phone. "Where are they taking you guys?!"

Keisha "Idk but I'll try to call you!" I screamed trying to hold back my tears as I saw them put Trey in the back of a police car. They put me in the back of the ambulance to sit and they began assessing me.

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