Our Wedding

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The double doors swung open and sh*t got real. I took a deep breath as my dad hooked my arm.

Mr. Carter "Ready baby?" He asked with a smile.

Keisha "Yes daddy." I smiled back.

Mr. Carter "I don't want to let you go my baby girl, but I know I have to. Don't forget that I am your number one protector. You can always come to me." I saw bitter sweet in his eyes.

Keisha "Awww daddy I love you too and no I won't forget. I promise." I hugged him tight then wiped one drop of tear from my eye.

I looked ahead and saw Ava smiling at me looking all pretty. She let go of my mom's hands and tried to run to me, but my mom stopped her. She looks like an Angel in her white dress. A little mini me. I smiled.

The music caught my attention as that was my signal to walk down the aisle. I looked ahead and saw Tremaine with the most amazing smile ever and dressed in all white just the way I love it. I fell in love with him all over again. I laughed a bit as he gave me an excited wave.

I took my first step down the aisle which is one step closer to being Mrs. Neverson. I felt wetness on my cheeks, then my dad's fingers wiping it away. Damn here we go. I hope I don't mess up my makeup. I am filled with too many emotions that it is impossible for me to hold in. But I refuse to be a blubbering mess on my wedding day, so I held it in as much as I can.

I looked from left to right and saw all of our friends and family, but Trey was the only one who caught my attention cause not for one second between my many glances did he look away from me. It made me blush mad hard and felt like that one special woman in his life, which I am.

As soon as we reached to the front. Trey came over to me looking me all in the eyes and smiling. He wiped my tears away and kissed me on the lips ever so softly. The crow went wild with cheers and laughter. We were laughing too.

Keisha "Babe you couldn't wait uh?"

Trey "Nah, I waited too long for this day woman. We gotta make it count." He laughed.

The pastor cleared his throat and we looked at him then back to each other and laughed.

Mr.Carter "Ok, come on now youngsters, are we doing this or what?"

Trey and I got our acts together just so the ceremony can begin. We couldn't help but continue to smile though.

Pastor "Who gives this woman to this man?"

Mr. Carter "When I first met Tremaine I was already planning on saying no. I had my gun ready. Remember that baby?" Everyone busted out with laughter, my mouth was left opened and Trey's eyes were huge cause we both were shocked. "But after I got to know this young man, I couldn't feel more comfortable handing my daughter over in his care. With him, she has another protector. But son don't forget your place." Everyone laughed again. "You are number three on the list." Everyone became Silent.

Keisha "Daddy who is number 2?"

Mr. Carter "Me baby. God is number 1, I'm number 2 and Tremaine came in third place." He laughed then hugged me. Everyone went hysterical laughing.

Trey "I was bout to say." He looked relieved.

Keisha "I love you daddy, always." I said as I hugged him back.

He then let go of me and man hugged Trey.

Mr. Carter "Take care of her."

Trey "I will." He smiled then held my hand. "Your father is the real OG." He whispered to me. We both giggled a bit then turned to the pastor.

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