Parí Pt2

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The next morning we woke up to a knock on the door. I jumped up and shook Trey.

Keisha "babe, someone is knocking"

Trey "..."

Keisha "babe?" I shook him again.

Trey "..." he still did not wake up.

I got up, walked over to the door and peeked through the hole.

Maid "Room service!" A short woman with long hair shouted from behind the door.

Keisha "oh, just a minute!" I ran back to the bed and shook Trey really hard because he was all naked and sh*t. He did not budge so I covered him with a sheet. I fixed my dress and opened the door.

Maid "good morning. Room Service?"

Keisha "yes, I would love that but can you come back in about two hours?"

Maid "sure, no problem" she turned away.

Keisha "thank you so much. It's just that my boyfriend had a rough night and he is tired, that's all" I said smiling.

Maid "ok, I understand. Two hours." she said and moved on to the next room.

I closed the door and turned around bumping into into Trey who was standing right in front of me holding the sheet up just to cover his private.

Keisha "oh! babe, you scared me"

Trey "sorry babe. Good morning" he said kissing my forehead.

Keisha "morning"

Trey "who was that?"

Keisha "room service, she will be back in two hours though"

Trey "so why did she leave in the first place?"

Keisha "because someone didn't want to wake up and was butt naked"

Trey "I see" he giggled "sorry babe"

Keisha "let's eat breakfast and take a walk in the national park so the lady can clean"

Trey "ok"

We ordered breakfast, showered and dressed. Once the cleaning lady arrived, we locked all of our jewelry and valuables in the safe and left. We took a taxi to the park. We arrived at 11:20am. Trey paid the cab and we hopped out.

Keisha "wow, this park is huge"

Trey "yea"

Keisha "we should be able to have a peaceful walk here"

Trey "after you my lady" he put out his hand to show me the way. I grabbed it and gently pulled him along as I walked in the entrance.

The park is similar to Central Park. Lots of big trees and paths. Lots of people jogging, biking and walking. There were even horse carriages and food stands inside.

Keisha "so babe tell me, how many kids do you want in the future?"

Trey "I want lots of kids, I love kids. Maybe 3, 4 or even 5. You?"

Keisha "damn babe! whose Viginia you think pushing out all them babies?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

Trey "is that a trick question? yours! who else?" He joked.

Keisha "Well I want three. Idky but I just do."

Trey "well 3 is just enough for me"

Keisha "aww, you are so sweet"

Trey "if I were to purpose to you, how would you want me to do it? and what kind of ring would you like?"

Keisha "baby, is this a hint? omg you making me nervous and excited at the same time" I said squeezing his hand tight.

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