Back 2 The Bullsh*t

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We arrived in New York at 8:45pm on Saturday. Draya was so happy to see me and I felt the same. Even though I was only gone for three days, we missed each other a lot. She picked us up from the airport and drove us to Trey's house because he had to leave for tour in a few hours. His tour bus will pick him up at 1:30am in front of his house just so there are no eyes around.

I decided to stay at his house to see him off and Draya waited with me. I helped him pack some last minute stuff and before we knew it, it was time for him to leave. We locked up and helped him downstairs with his stuff.

Draya "ok, bye Trey. See you when you get back" she gave him a hug and he hugged back.

Trey "aight homie, take care ight?"

Draya "ok" she turned to me "I'll be over there ok."

Keisha "ok boo." I smiled trying to hide my emotions. I turned to Trey and looked into his eyes. I couldn't help it anymore so the tears started falling.

Trey "babe, don't cry. I'm just a phone call away." he said wiping my tears. "besides you know I got them front row tickets for you to a few of my concerts right?" he tried cheering me up.

Keisha "I know, but three months is too long. I'll go crazy"

Trey "I'll go crazy too. I'm gonna freaking miss you but I gotta go"

Keisha "I love you."

Trey "I love you too babe" he smiled

Keisha "you promise to save yourself for me?"

Trey "promise. Next time you see me I'll have blue balls from waiting on you girl" we laughed.

Keisha "good. And you don't have to worry about me, I'll be good."

Trey "you sure babe? cause I was planning on leaving one of my body guards with you"

Keisha "boy, stop playing. I'll be fine." I pushed him playfully.

Trey "oh you think I'm playing uh? ask this n***a over here" he pointed to one of his body guards.

Keisha "babe, I'm good."

Trey "just playing, I trust you" he smiled. "come here" he pulled me closer and we hugged tightly.

Keisha "ok, you should go now before I cry again"

Trey "ok babe, I'll see ya. Love you"

Keisha "love you too." we kissed and he walked off.

Trey stood on the steps of his tour bus and yelled out...

Trey "I'll call you! love you! and have fun with your little toy!"

Keisha "Trey! omg! go babe! bye!" I waved him off because I was embarrassed he spoke about my vibrator.

His team entered the bus and they drove off. I felt like my heart sunk and I felt tears coming again.

Draya "aww poor baby, come here" she said walking over to me and hugging me. "it will be ok" she wiped my tears and led me to her car. She drove us home and walked me to my door.

Keisha "thanks"

Draya "will you be ok?"

Keisha "actually no. There is something I want to speak to you about"

Draya "oh, What?"

Keisha "I'm not sure if this is the right time but I don't know when it will ever be the right time. Can you come in for a second?"

Draya "you scaring me."

Keisha "come on" I signaled her inside.

We sat on my couch and I told her that August was cheating on her with Syven.

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