Missing Him

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Trey's concert in NJ went great. I only got to see him for an hour and then it was off to Cali he went. I was sad but I had to suck it up.

It's now August 21st and to me the summer can't move any slower. It's like it's crawling on a turtle's back. August and Draya made up which is good but things are still awkward between him am I. that's the least of my worries though, because I'm missing my man so much that it's driving me crazy. Right now he is touring Europe and his next move is South America and then Africa. I tell my self I'll fly out to meet him but it's no use because he doesn't stay in one city or country for more than two days and that's too much traveling for me.

We keep in constant contact though. We FaceTime, what's app, text, email or call based on which country he is in at the time. I've been keeping very busy though just to pass the time. I work out each morning, check on my store each day, go out with my girls, shop, clean, cook, pamper my self as much as I can and some extra sh*t just to fill that void of Trey not being present. I even visited his mom, grandma and bro for a day while I was in VA on business. They were so happy to see me and when I facetimed Trey from their house, he had the biggest smile ever on his face. He was sooo happy to see me taking the time to be a part of his family and promised me that he will do the same with mine.

Anyway today I was home doing laundry when I got a business email from Diddy. He asked me to conference call him as soon as possible because he has an offer he will like to present to me. I replied and asked him for an hour and he agreed. I dropped what I was doing and washed up, did my hair, make up and dressed in business casual attire and conferenced him while sitting comfortably in my balcony.

Diddy "heyy! Keisha! how are you beautiful?"

Keisha "I'm great. Just here wondering why Mr. Combs wants me to conference him?" I smiled.

Diddy "because I have a business offer that I think will fit you perfectly."

Keisha "really? And how are you by the way?"

Diddy "I'll be much better if you say yes to becoming a Ciroc girl."

Keisha "really! OMG! wow! that's amazing!" I screamed loudly.

Diddy "so what do you say?"

Keisha "I would love to say yes, but can you give me a day to think it over?"

Diddy "no problem, just remember it's a six figure salary for just looking cute and drinking Ciroc. Your man already a Ciroc boy so it's only right he has a Ciroc girl on his arm." He cheesed very cornily.

Keisha "I like the way you put that but I'll call you tomorrow ok? And thank you so much."

Diddy "oh! and I want your friend Draya too. Tell her to check her email."

Keisha "ok, I will. Bye."

I ended the call and immediately called Draya to inform her and then I called Trey.

Phone Convo with Trey

Keisha "hey baby, how is your day going?"

Trey "sh*tty babe. They lost my luggage"

Keisha "who?"

Trey "my manger and assistant but they out trying to find it. I can't believe this sh*t. They came out the cab and left them in the trunk."

Keisha "awww, I'm sorry to hear that babe. They will find it. Do you have any shows tonight?"

Trey "no. Thank heaven."

Keisha "that's good. Well baby just sit back and relax today, everything will be ok."

Trey "I hope so." he sighed "so what have you been up to?"

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