BET Awards

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June 29th, 10am. Trey's hotel room in Los Angeles, CA.

Trey "hmmm"

Keisha "you like that babe?" I asked while slowing down from riding him.

Trey "yes I love it. You are so sexy."

Keisha "so are you daddy." I smiled and kissed him.

Trey "ight, time to take a shower, we got lots to do"

Keisha "ok" I hopped off of him and put my robe on and headed to the dining room table which breakfast laid out for me. I was starved. Trey decided to brush and shower first so he went straight to the bathroom.

I sat at the table and drank tea and ate toast with bacon and eggs. About 15 mins in our room doorbell rang. I got up, peeped in the hole and saw Draya in the hallway. I opened the door to let her in. She was carrying her dress and a whole bunch of unnecessary stuff.

Keisha "hey baby!"

Draya "morning hun" we kissed and side hugged and I took some of her stuff from her. I rested her things on the living room couch.

Keisha "what's all this boo?"

Draya "girl you know how it is already don't even play. I gotta always be prepared"

Trey "babe? which tie?" he said popping out of the bedroom area naked as the day he was born holding up two ties.

Draya "oh my gosh!" She said skinning her eyes mad big at the sight of his naked body

Keisha "babe!"

Trey "oh sh*t" he said dropping his ties and covering his d*ck

Draya was still shocked and was silent with her mouth wide open staring.

Keisha "well don't just stand there!"

He snapped out of it and ran back into the bathroom. I placed my head in my hands and shook it.

Keisha" sorry Draya"

Draya" ..."

Keisha "Draya!" I snapped my fingers in front of her face and she jumped

Draya "damn, girl he is packing"

Keisha "for real? that's the first thing you gon say to me?"

Draya "you owe me b*tch, so yea" she said laughing at me being concerned.

Keisha "fine, we even now hoe" I pushed her on the couch and she was still laughing. I couldn't be mad though so I just sat beside her and laughed at how Trey reacted. He is prolly embarrassed now.

Draya "nah for real girl, I think he more than 9inches, how do you handle all that?" she said cracking up at her own joke.

We were in our own zone and didn't even notice August come in the unlocked door.

August "what she laughing so hard about?" he said picking up a strawberry from the platter on the breakfast table.

Keisha "you planning on telling him?"

Draya"..hahaha" she kept laughing "you tell him"

Keisha "well your girl saw Trey's d*ck. There, conversation over." I said getting up to walk away.

August "whoa whoa! hold up. Rewind that real quick."

Trey "aye man, sorry. I didn't know she was in the room man." he said joining us all clothed.

August "what y'all talking bout?"

Keisha "Trey was fresh out the shower when he came to ask me a question and Draya was here but he didn't know"

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