Date N • 2 (Sexy Lady, Drive Me Crazy , Give Me What You Got"

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I popped the bottle of bubbly and poured it in the two glasses Trey was holding. I put down the bottle and took my glass.

Keisha "cheers to the start of a wonderful night filled with fun, food, drinks, a sexy man and a sexy woman..."

Trey "lots of kissing, touching, love making..." He said cutting me off

Keisha "cheers" I said gently clinking my glass on his while smiling.

Trey "tonight is going to be a special night for both if us, so I want you to enjoy it. I have things planned that I think you are going to like"

Keisha "sounds good. I can't wait." I pecked him on his lips

We drank the champagne and went for round two, three and four. By this time the car pulled up to "The Fancy" an elegant upscale and really expensive restaurant near Central Park. Trey and I were kinda tipsy and was laughing and talking about any and everything. I was enjoying it all. I felt so special. The chauffeur opened our doors to let us out. We entered the restaurant and was led to a staircase. While walking up Trey grabbed my ass and felt on it aggressively. It's a good thing that the waiter was in front of us.

Keisha "Trey" I said in a low playful voice "stop babe"

Trey "idk what you talking about" he joked

We reached the top of the staircase and was led threw huge double doors to the outside area. I immediately stopped in shock. I place my right hand over my opened mouth and became a bit teary eyed. I saw one round table with white polyester table cloth and a red runner over it. There were candles lit on the table and crystals. On the floor, There were red rose petals scattered around. Over in the corner there was a pianist/ singer. The view is breathtaking, the breeze is refreshing and the man that I am standing next to is amazing.

Keisha "babe, all this for me?" I asked still in shock

Trey "all for you babe"

I turned to him and hugged him tight, he squeezed me as well. I lifted my head off of his chest, look at him and kissed him. He smiled

Trey "come on, let's sit" he pushed my chair in after I sat just like a gentleman.

Keisha "thank you"

Trey "tonight's main course is fried rice, with steak and shrimp scampi. You have your veggies and mashed potatoes on the side. We gon sip on some red wine and have a good time" he said in his country accent and I started laughing and so did he.

Keisha "wats for dessert?"

Trey "red velvet cake"

Keisha "oooh yea! That's my favorite! I love that"

Trey "well in glad you are happy"

We began eating our food when a great question popped into my head.

Keisha "babe, what is the special occasion for?"

Trey "well, I was going to wait until we finished eating but now seems like a good time. I brought you here tonight to ask you a question"

I became all nervous wanting to know if he is out of his mind and hoping that he is not crazy to ask my hand in marriage just yet. I picked up my glass of wine and downed it. Trey looked at me funny.

Trey "you ok?"

Keisha" yes, I'm cool. What do you want to ask me?"

Trey "close your eyes"

Keisha "ok, but you are going to make me cry. I'm a big baby" I closed my eyes for a bit.

Trey" open it" his hands were outstretched with a maroon colored jewelry box in it. "Babe, will you be my girl?"

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