Honey Mooning in Barbados

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Keisha "Aahh! Ah! Hmmm... Trey!"

Trey "Tell me you love me babe."

Keisha "I love you baby." I looked at him and smiled. He went deeper so I had to catch my breath. "Ah! Damn."

Trey "You like that?"

Keisha "Ye..ss!" I screamed as he stroked me harder. He wasn't spearing me tonight.

We were sweating like crazy and I was soaking wet if you know what I mean so we messed up the entire bed and had to changed the sheets. After we collapsed on each other and went straight to sleep. We were tired as hell.

The next morning I woke up sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything. I felt so bad that all I could think about is soaking in the tub and relaxing. Having a wedding is hard work and I did not get a chance to rest.

I cleaned up then took the well need bath then snuggled beside Trey. He woke up and looked at me.

Trey "Morning Mrs. Neverson." He smiled.

Keisha "Oh you never gonna stop calling me that uh?" I giggled.

Trey "No." He laughed. I kissed him
On the forehead and snuggled with him. "Did you eat babe? I'm starving."

Keisha "No, I don't have an appetite today. I feel sick."

Trey "You serious? On our honey money? Stop playing."

Keisha "No really, I feel terrible."

Trey "Damn, aight, well rest up. Umma go pick up Ava from the airport."

Keisha "Ok. Tell your mom I said hi and thanks for dropping her off."

Trey "Aight." He got up and thought for a second. He looked concerned." Babe you not bouta have your period right?"

Keisha "Boy if you don't get out of my face with that." I threw a pillow at him an laughed. "I'm sick and all you can think about is sex?"

Trey "Aight damn." He laughed then went to get ready.

After Trey left I got to thinking and became restless with the thought. I decided to do a quick trip to one of the local stores and got back before Trey brought Ava.

Trey was sitting out on the balcony enjoying the breeze with Ava on his lap. I walked out with a tray in my hands. It had Ava's juice cup, a glass of rum and coak for Trey and a glass of Orange Juice for me.

Keisha "Here you go my babies." I handed them their drinks and sat down beside them.

Trey "What you drinking babe?"

Keisha "Orange Juice."

Trey "Just orange juice? No liquor?"

Keisha "No."

Trey "Babe you still sick or you bugging? This is our honey moon, you not gon turn up with me?"

Keisha "Babe why you always dive right in?"

Trey "Wat you talking bout? You confusing me." He gave that cute confused face.

Keisha "Ok, so I was planning on telling you over dinner tonight, but here goes. I'm not drinking because I'm pregnant."

Trey just stared at me with a weird disbelief look on his face for a while.

Trey "Keisha stop messing with me. You 100?"

Keisha "Yes babe, you're gonna be a daddy again!"

Trey "Holy sh*t!" His smile became even wider and he put his glass on the tray and Ava down on the floor. He pulled me up and brought me in for the sweetest softest most loving hug ever. He kissed me for a while then kneeled down and felt my tummy.

He walked off and began to bug out.

Trey "We're gonna have a baby! Oh f*ck I gotta call my moms man. I can't believe this sh*t! Yall hear that?! Umma be a f**king father for the second time!" He shouted over the balcony.

He dialed his moms number then came over to me again and hugged me.

Trey "Mom, you ain't gon believe this, but Keisha is f**king pregnant! Damn these little humans always tryna make a n*gga cry..."

He trailed off into convo with his mom and I couldn't help the laughter. This is why I've been feeling a bit sick. Now I'm one up on Draya, can't wait till she hears the news...

The END!


Hey guys, this is officially the last chapter. Thank you so much for reading, voting and your comments! 😘 love Yall!

- LadyBoss

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