Going Away Party

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It was Monday, I woke up and I am still tired. I needed to go check on my store and work out. I brushed and took a shower. I pulled out my black spandex track suit that has purple strips down the side and put it on with a purple thank top underneath. I pushed my foot in my black and purple Adidas running sneakers. I tied my hair up in a pony tail and went to grab breakfast. I made some Oates and ate a peice of melon. I drank some water and headed for the door. I took a cab to my store. I made sure everything was running smoothly and my employees were on point. I then took another cab to the park near my house and started to run the path. I plugged my headphones in and blasted Drunk In Love. I ran all the way around the path and was sweating like crazy.

I jogged to my building and stopped to take a breather. The Worst was playing in my headphones. I heard a horn blow and I turned around. It was Chris in his lambo. He rolled the window down to speak to me.

Chris "Keisha!" He yelled

Keisha "what are you doing here?"

Chris "I wanna talk to you"

Keisha "Chris, you shouldn't just pop up on me like that. Park your car in the garage and meet me up stairs" I said quickly then turned and went into my building. I didn't want Trey hearing anymore rumors even though he int my man. I took the elevator up to my condo and left the door unlocked for Chris. I locked my bedroom door and took a quick shower. I put on a short, close fitting , VS yellow dress and my fussy slippers. I walked out my room and Chris was sitting on my couch watching tv.

Keisha "would you like something to drink?"

Chris " a beer if you have. Thanks"

I grabbed two Heinekens and sat on the couch beside him.

Keisha. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

Chris "is Trey ya man?"

Keisha "no"

Chris "so y'all just fucking uh?"

Keisha "why does that matter?"

Chris "just answer the question"

Keisha "we had sex once"

Chris "so you done with him is that what you telling me?"

Keisha "no. Look Idky why all this matters to you. You have a girl! Remember?"

Chris "so what? That b***h don't matter. You know I like you and idk why you playing games with me."

Keisha " is that it? You like me? So I'm suppose to drop this n***a and jump into your arms cause you like me?"

Chris "you are f**king my friend! How da f**k we pose to be boyz after this. Did you tell him bout us?"

Keisha "no, not yet. But I will. When the time is right ."

Chris "I want you to break sh*t off with him" he said in a low angry voice.

Keisha " Chris, you can't tell me what to do. I like Trey and I think he likes me too"

Chris "so you don't care I got love for you right?"

Keisha "got love for me and loving me is different"

Chris "what do you want me to do?" He turned and asked me

Keisha "leave your girl" I said just to test him

Chris "... You know I can't do that"

Keisha "yea. Ok" I got up and walked to my door opening it "get out Chris. Idk who the f**k you think you talking to. But I'm not some dumb b**ch!"

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