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Keisha "hello?"

Female "is this Keisha?"

Keisha "who wants to know?"

Female "it's Karruche"

Keisha "wrong number b*tch" I hung up the phone

Draya "who was that?"

Keisha "Kar..." my phone rang again before I could tell Draya who it was. "Hello!" I answered with an attitude

Karruche "can we meet? I would like to have a grown conversation with you"

Keisha "about what?"

Karruche "ok, just remember you are the one who slept with my man. I just want to clear the air and move on, that's all"

Keisha "well last night it seemed to me like you wanted to kill me, what changed?"

Karruche "well, I had some time to think about it."

Keisha "where do you want to meet?"

Karruche "you still in LA?"

Keisha "yea"

Karruche "ok, can we do lunch at 2pm?"

Keisha "that should be fine. Where at though?"

Karruche "Fillips on Hollywood blvd"

Keisha "ok, see you there"

Karruche "k"

I hung up the phone.

Keisha "that was Karruche"

Draya "stop playing"

Keisha "for real. She asked me to meet her for lunch at 2"

Draya "and you agreed?!"

Keisha "yes"

Draya "you are crazy as hell girl. What if she sets you up?"

Keisha "that is what my pocket knife and pepper spray is for and I'm going down there in some sneakers, leggings and a Tshirt. Let that b*tch play with me"

Draya "I'm coming too"

Keisha "she wants it to be one on one"

Draya "f**k that, imma be outside waiting. So if she starts some sh*t and tries to run, imma trip her" we both laughed

Keisha "that's my girl" we hi-fived "ok, let's get ready then"

Draya "ok, I'll go to my room and I'll meet you back here at 1:30pm"

Keisha "cool"

I went to the bathroom and did my thing and was ready at 1:40pm. Draya was already finished and waiting on me. Both of us dressed in leggings, sneakers and a white t-shirt which I tied in a knot in the middle of my back so I can show some skin and she tied hers off to her right side. We wore snapbacks as well. We called a cab and was driven to Fillips. It was 2:15pm when we arrived. We paid the driver and got out.

Keisha "ok, lemme go see what this crazy b*tch wants."

Draya "ight, imma go take a table for one."

Keisha "what happen to Imma wait outside?" I mocked her

Draya "I lied, let's go"

She walked in the restaurant first and I followed behind.

Waitress "Good Afternoon, welcome to Fillips. Table for two?"

Draya "no, just one, I'm a loner today" she smiled

Waitress "ok, and how about you ma'am?"

Keisha "Oh, I'm meeting someone here, her name is Karruche"

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