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It is now September 30th and my baby still was not back yet and on October 2nd is my birthday and the "one year anniversary since we MET!" Lol I know people usually don't have anniversaries for when they met and they use the date they made it official. But the day we met was special, it was my birthday, so why not celebrate the two together.

Phone convo with Trey

Trey "sexyyyy. What's up babe?"

Keisha "just sitting here sad."

Trey "why you sad?"

Keisha "no reason."

Trey "that don't make any sense babe come on."

Keisha "fine. I know you have to work babe, but I wish you were here for my birthday. It wouldn't be the same without you."

Trey "damn, I know. You tryna turn up again this year uh?"

Keisha "not really, I just wanted to spend time with you that's all."

Trey "awwww, you stealing my style uh?"

Keisha "what you talking bout?"

Trey "the way I spent my birthday last year. I just wanted to be with you."

Keisha "oh, that. Well yes, minus the drama though."

Trey laughed.

Trey "you sound depressed. Trust me if I could be there I would. It will be ight though I'll be back in about five days."

Keisha "okkkkk. I guess that is fine too. We can go to dinner the day after you come back."

Trey "Sounds great. I miss you a whole lot babe. I can't wait to see that beautiful smile, that sexy body, that long fake hair of yours. 'cough' I mean that real hair of yours." he busted out laughing.

Keisha "Trey! not funny." I laughed.

Trey "all jokes aside though, even to your weave I miss."

Keisha "awww."

Trey "And your manicured nails and pedicured toes. Your long eyelashes, the way you ride me, your..."

Keisha "how did you go from eyelashes to sex?" I cut him off and laughed.

Trey "I just miss everything babe and I say it as it comes to mind."

Keisha "Nasty."

Trey "But you love it though."

Keisha "Every bit of it." I smiled.

Trey "ummmm, I like that. What you got on?"

Keisha "My specialty, a shorts and a tank top."

Trey "Matter of a fact lemme see. I'm about to face time you."

Keisha "Ok babe."

Trey "F**k, scratch that I gotta go."

Keisha "Why the f**k you always gotta go when it's getting good. Babeeeeeee" I whined.

Trey "I'm working babe, don't forget that. My manager just emailed me that I'm running late for an appearance. Love you."

Keisha "Love you too. Muah"

Trey "Muah!"

As soon as Trey hung up my door bell rang, it was Draya and Niki.

Keisha "Hey chicks, what's up?"

Draya "Hey boo" we hugged.

Niki "What's up is that we need to plan something for your birthday." we hugged.

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