Chapter 506

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Matt's POV: After walking out onto the front porch of Antonio's home, I took a deep breath before going to grab my phone. But first, I might as well collect my thoughts. First, Christie and Antonio had COVID a while my niece might have been exposed to it. And of course, it was because of my stupid, incompetent ex-brother-in-law. I just hoped that this was a mild case and that Violet wouldn't have any troubles when it came to this. Grabbing my phone, I went to call Christie so that I could check on her. That's when she answered. "Hey Matt, how are they?"

I sighed when Christie asked me that because I knew she was concerned about Gabby and Antonio. "They are doing as good as you'd expect for people who are grieving the loss of their father. You know how hard it was on us. However, I am not calling about that. I just got an interesting piece of niece from Antonio." Christie then got concerned when I said that. "What are you talking about Matt?" I then sighed. "The fact that Jim tested positive for COVID and that my NIECE might have been exposed to it? I thought that Jim lost custody of her though?"

Christie sighed when I said that. "I gave him visitation rights. I don't want her to loose her dad to COVID and not having seen him since the Christmas before COVID." I agreed with her. "But now that he tested positive...what are you doing? Is she with him right now?" Christie sighed when I asked her that. "Yeah, she is. They are going to quarantine together." I agreed with her. "Christie, you need to keep me in the loop okay? Why didn't you tell me?" Christie sighed again. "Because of everything you have been dealing with Gabby's dad dying and the funeral stuff...." I sighed.

"Christie, I don't care if I am going through all of that. You guys are my family. I want to stay in the know when it comes to this. Christie, we promised that we would stick together in this time of need. I can't support you in this unless you tell me that she has COVID. What if I was back at work...what if my ambo got a call saying to go to Jim's place because of a girl with COVID? That's how I feel right now...that's what it's like." Christie sighed and agreed with me. "I promise, I will let you know what's going on. But how are you doing since you lost your home to that fire."

I sighed when she asked me that. "I am doing as good as I can. I am trying to hold down the fort. We are going to have to find a new place to live. Right now, we are living with Antonio though." Christie sighed when I said that. "Promise me that you won't believe everything that Antonio says. Yes, we got into a fight was a mutual decision. We didn't want our kids to expose each other and we couldn't agree on a visitation schedule." I then sighed. "Christie, you can't ask me to do that. I am not going to get in the middle so that I don't put my marriage risk."

What's when I felt Gabby walk up behind me. Wrapping her arms around my waist, Gabby went to kiss my back. "You are never going to put our marriage at risk Matt...I am not leaving you because I am in love with you." I smiled when she said that before going to wrap my arm around her waist as she stepped close to me. Kissing her softly, I smiled at her. "Antonio tell you?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Put me on speaker and come sit with me." I nodded and agreed as I went to put my phone on speaker. I then walked away to the bench they had on the porch.

Wrapping my arm around Gabby as we sat on the porch together, I smiled at her. "How are you doing Gabby? I'm sorry about your dad." Gabby agreed. "Thanks Christie, how's Violet feeling?" Christie sighed. "She's going to make it through it. Her dad should be fine too. They are both strong." I then sighed when she said that. "Promise me that you aren't going to fall for his tricks. I heard he got divorced. He is going to come after you again sis." Christie agreed. "Yeah, I am sure he will but...I already told Violet that me and her dad are not getting back together."

I then went to talk to her about what Antonio said. "You also need to put restrictions on her. She can't go out like that." Christie then got mad. "You are on Antonio's side on that!" I then sighed. "No, I am on my kid's side. Christie, I am not going to let Violet expose our kids to COVID!" Christie then took a breath and understood my position. "Right of course, sorry Matt." I agreed and nodded when she said that. "Listen, how about you take a breather and just relax? We can get supper in a couple weeks when Violet is feeling better. We have stuff to do right now."

Christie agreed. "Of course, talk later guys." I agreed and went to hang up before looking at Gabby. "You want to head back inside and have breakfast before Sofia and Pedro get here." I nodded when she said that. "Just remember, nobody is going to take Louie away from us." I then went to kiss her forehead and just smiled as we both got up so that we could head inside and have breakfast with Antonio and it turns out...his kids too. Seeing them walk up the steps, we both smiled at them. "Didn't expect you guys here so early." 

Eva laughed when Gabby said that. "It's so nice to see you again aunt Gabby. I am not sure when the last time we saw each other was." I nodded and smiled before going to hug her. "You are going to meet the twins today." I then went to shake Diego's hand. "How's my future firefighter?" That's when Antonio spoke to us at the door. "Not happening Matt...that one there is my future intelligence officer." Diego then sighed "Dad, we need to talk about that. I didn't get accepted to the police academy because I didn't apply. And no, I didn't apply to the fire academy."

Me and Antonio both were confused when he said that. "Then what is your career path?" Diego then walked inside when we both said that, obviously not ready for an argument.

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