Chapter 559

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Back with the Halsteads:
Jay's POV: As I stand in the kitchen of our home, I smile as I give Champ his supper while also making Erin a grilled cheese. She was currently in the midst of pumping some milk for the twins and asked me to leave the room to do it. She was still body conscious and really didn't like how big her breasts have gotten. However, I couldn't say the same. I loved the sight of her naked. She was beautiful and my gorgeous wife. Maybe I can convince her to take a shower with me later? That's when I heard Champ bark at me. I turned to look at me and then pointed outside.

He went to sit at the door and I knew that was the case. However, his barking was not something that Erin enjoyed. "JAY!" I sighed when she yelled that because that only meant one thing. Champ's bark woke the twins up. That was only confirmed when I heard my kids cry. Finishing up the grilled cheese, I quickly went to put it on a cutting board. I decided to leave it there since going upstairs to Erin in the bedroom was more important right now. "Sorry."

Erin just looked at me and shook her head. "Just be lucky that Champ is useful at night." I agreed with her when she said that. "I know, you are mad but...remember that he will help me with my PTSD. That is all that matters when it comes down to it right?" Erin nodded as she went to sit up again before looking at the twins. "We are going to have to ask your trainer to see if there are other ways she can wake you up quietly." I nodded when she said that and agreed with her.

Leaning over Erin, I went to kiss her and smiled. "Want me to get the twins for you?" Erin nodded when I said that. "Yes. I already have your pillow set up. Give me Sophia first. I fed her first last time." I agreed with her when she said that. "You are going to have to pump realize that right?" Erin sighed and nodded. "Yeah. I am going to do that after I eat my snack." I then looked around for the pump. "Where is it anyways?" Erin then went to point at a bag that was on what was supposed to be where my bathrobe was hung up. But it was on the footboard.

Going to grab it, I went to open it and saw the pump with a bunch of hoses and suction cups. Looking at it, I went to grab them and then looked at Erin. "They go on my breasts and it pumps milk. Why do you think we have a fridge in here?" I nodded and smiled. "So that I can feed the babies in the middle of the night with you." Erin nodded and smiled. "Correction, so you can feed your daughter. Admit it, you are going to want to feed her whenever you can." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Of course I am." I then went to give her the pump.

"Now, do you need me to do anything else?" Erin then shook her head. "I am not doing it yet so you are going to be able to watch when I am done feeding Sophia." I nodded when she said that and smiled. That's when I got a text from Olivia Benson from the NYPD's Special Victims Unit. 'Hey, how's Erin doing post-birth? I just called Antonio and said you guys were on maternity and paternity leave. That must mean that she gave birth. Names please!'

I laughed and went to text her. 'Triplets. Jayson Henry, Sophia Marie and Justin Michael.' Olivia liked the sound of that. 'Tell her congrats and tell her that I expect a call on the phone soon.' I smiled and looked at Erin. "Listen, I am going to go finish making you a grilled cheese. And then, when I am back and you are done feeding...we can call Olivia." I then went to text her. 'Video chat when she's done feeding the triplets?' Olivia texted me back pretty quick. 'Sure thing. Text me first!' I agreed and smiled when she said that. "Olivia is excited."

Erin smiled when I said that. She then went to point to her lips. Walking over to her, I agreed and went to lean down to kiss her softly. "I love you and I will be back soon." Erin smiled and nodded as I said that, continuing to feed Sophia while I went to walk away to finish making her some lunch before our conversation with Captain Olivia Benson from the NYPD's Special Victims Unit.

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