Chapter 516

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Jay's POV: After walking down to the kitchen, I smiled as I went to grab some of Champ's food so that I could feed him that morning. After that, I made my way to the kitchen sink so that I could take some of my meds. My PTSD was starting to get worse so, I decided to get a prescription for it as well as my headaches. It was helping a lot more and I was glad that I finally did the right thing. I finally went to the hospital and asked a psychologist to give me medicine. It was helping.

That's when I remembered that I had to make breakfast. Going to grab some cereal, I decided to just take it easy for myself. However, Erin needed some protein so she was going to be having oatmeal with fruits. That was one of the last things I promised Hank when we last saw each other. I promised that I would make sure that Erin had a healthy pregnancy and a great life. I just haven't had the courage to talk to Erin about me and Hank's last conversation because it was hard. Erin kept telling both me and the world she was okay but...I knew that wasn't the case.

Once I made the bowl of oatmeal, I went to put it in the microwave. Meanwhile, I went to start eating my cereal while thinking about some of the memories that me and the kids were going to make. More specifically, some of the memories we were going to make without Hank. As much as I hated to admit it, there were going to be some memories that I make with the kids that I wish would have also been made with their grandfather. My first father's day was one of them because it would've been Hank's first father's day with Halstead grandkids instead of just Daniel.

That's when I heard Erin come downstairs. Looking at her, I was shocked that she went so fast. "How were you so fast?" Erin then laughed. "I took a shower last night. I just had to get changed." I agreed with her before going to point to the microwave. "I made you some oatmeal." She agreed with me and smiled when I said that. "Thanks, that sounds delicious." I nodded when she said that and smiled at her. "And it's also what I promised Hank I would make sure you ate on a daily basis for the rest of your pregnancy." I then sighed, deciding it was the time.

Erin turned to look at me when I said that. "You did what?" Extending my hand, I looked at her. "Come here." Erin then nodded as she set her bowl of oatmeal on the counter before walking over to me. Grabbing my hands, she intertwined our fingers while stepping close to me. "Talk to me Jay. I am here for you." I nodded when she said that. "During one of my last conversations with Hank...he must've known it was his last looking back on it. He made me promise to him that I would ensure that you and the kids would have a long, healthy life full of adventure."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded as she wrapped her arms around me. Putting my hands on her arms, I leaned my forehead against hers. "And I promise the same to you. That is exactly what us and the kids are going to have for the rest of our lives...I promise Erin." Erin smiled when I said that and nodded before going to kiss me softly. "Believe me when I say this Jay...I know that you are going to make sure that we have the best life because that is the type of guy you are. You are going to want to make sure that the life our kids have is much better than yours."

I smiled and agreed with her when she said that before going to grab her neck. Kissing her softly as we held each other close, I couldn't help but feel really happy right now. "Listen, as much as I want to take it slow with you right now...we are going to have to save that for later after we help Matt and Gabby...oh and after I clean up whatever happens around here while we are going." Erin laughed when I said that before going to slap my chest. "Got that right." Going to grab her oatmeal, Erin smiled when I remembered that I needed to put some fruits. "Babe, one sec."

Erin turned to look at me when I said that when she saw me grab the bag of assorted berries. Going to put them in her oatmeal, I smiled at her. "There, now you can eat." Erin smiled when I did that before grabbing my hand. Stepping close to me, she put her hand on my chest before going to kiss me softly. "Hank would be proud." I then looked at her when she said that. "What?" Erin the laughed. "You don't think I heard what he made you promise to him? It's me Jay!" I laughed when she said that and smiled as I wrapped my arm around her. "I love you."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "I love you too. Now eat up because we have to go help our friends." Grabbing my hand, she led me to the table so that we could eat breakfast together. "And you make sure you relax. I would rather not have to call my brother and rush him to the hospital on his day off so that he can help you give birth." Erin nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "I am so excited to meet them though." I agreed with her and smiled as I went to put my hand on her stomach. "Me too." That's when I felt our babies kid and just smiled. 

"You feel that?" Erin nodded and smiled as she put her hand on mine." I will always feel it when our children kick because they do it very hard. Now, stop fawning over my stomach and eat so that we can head to Matt and Gabby's place." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, going to eat breakfast with her that morning.

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