Proposal for Merger - Firehouses 20 and 51

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As a cost saving measure, the Office of the Commissioner has appointed Matthew Casey as a new Deputy Fire Commissioner to oversee the Office of Firehouse Management. One of the tasks assigned to me is to look at houses that are close to one another and see whether cost saving measures can be found by either closing or merging homes. In my opinion, since both of these houses are under the command of Battalion Chief Matthew Casey, they should be a prime candidate for merger and consolidation of both staff as well as vehicles. The reasons for this shall be outlined below and the proposal for the manner in which this shall be completed is to be listed below. Cost estimates and savings are to be calculated at a later date.

Firehouse 20:
The first house in the proposal for merger is Firehouse 20, currently under the leadership of Battalion Chief Matthew Casey with assistance from Captain Greg Delaney of Engine Co. 20. Vehicles that would be transferred to the new house include Engine 20, Truck 68, Rescue Squad 20 and Ambulance 99. The vehicle for the Battalion Chief for Firehouse 20 would become redundant and be deemed as "spare" or "extra" as there is already a chief's vehicle at Firehouse 51 whom would be providing a majority of the new Firehouse's manpower and vehicles.

Firehouse 51:
The second house in the proposal for merger is Firehouse 51, currently under the direct leadership of Battalion Chief Matthew Casey with assistance from Captain Severide as well as Lieutenants Hermann and Kidd. Vehicles that would be transferred to the new house include Engine 51, Truck 81, Rescue Squad 3 and Ambulance 61. The vehicle for the Battalion Chief for Firehouse 51 would be kept and renamed as the Battalion Chief for the new house number. The proposed new house number is to be listed below.

Leadership Changes:
No leadership changes are proposed. All current Captains and Lieutenants are proposed to maintain control of their respective vehicles on their shifts. However, it is proposed that paramedics-in-chief do hereby be deemed to be officers.

Proposed Number Changes:
The proposed house number for the new firehouse is Firehouse 71 (a merger of 51 and 20). The vehicles to be renamed would be those from Firehouse 20. They would hereby be known as Engine 71, Truck 71 and Ambulance 71. All vehicles from Firehouse 51 shall remain as is.

Service Area:
It is proposed that the new house shall assume the areas covered by both Firehouses 20 and 51.

New Construction:
This proposal calls for the construction of a new, larger firehouse in between the current sites of the existing Firehouses 20 and 51. The house would have double the amount of offices in order to provide Officers Quarters to all officers. As well, the showers and locker rooms would be greatly expanded (and widened) in order to provide for better access to lockers. This can either be done by having a larger locker room space or two locker rooms.

It is also proposed that the new construction have Green Energy Sources pre-installed on the roof. Solar power can be used to power the lights, etc. Power storage units may be placed in the garage and/or equipment rooms behind the vehicles and/or other areas that may be retrofit or build for the express purpose of power storage.

Apartments for the Officers:
In order to provide maximum privacy for officers (and their families), it is proposed that each officer shall have an apartment they are to share with their equivalents on other shifts. The apartments shall be in loft-style however, they will come equipped with their own individual washrooms and showers. These rooms shall be off-limits to non-officers. **Paramedics in Chiefs will have the option to request an apartment**

Locker Room for Women:
It is proposed that a special locker room is created for female firefighters and paramedics so that they can shower in private. This is based on the previous experience of former Paramedic-in-Chief on Ambulance 61, Gabriela Dawson's experience with a peeping tom in 2018.

Health and Safety Measures:
Based on the current pandemic, it is proposed that the firehouse have the ability for it to isolate itself from outbreaks by providing the ability for the Battalion Chief to close all doors and create a seal from the outside world. It is also proposed that there shall be mandatory screenings and temperature checks for the remainder of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

CPD Outpost:
Since Firehouse 51 and the Chicago Police Department are frequent contributors to investigations, it is proposed that an office be set aside for a CPD officer to work in. A bedroom may also be provided to ensure that (in light of the events regarding the Black Lives Matter movement), they may stay overnight and be available for immediate dispatch should they be required to do so.

By merging the firehouses, the CFD will have an overall cost savings of 50% as they will no longer have to maintain two houses. However, they will have more exposure as there will be more staff at the house at once. This is my personal opinion and is subject to review by the board. Any questions can be directed to my office.

Further Steps:
1. Approval Required by the Commissioner and the Board
2. Design of Firehouse to be approved by Board
3. Permit Application to the City of Chicago's Construction Team
4. Hiring of a Construction Team to build the House
5. Preparation for the Closure of Firehouses 20 and 51 - Meetings
6. Public Consultations and Conversations with the Employees
7. Closure of each house for 24 hours in order to complete transfer.

Opening Procedure:
Opening Day-3: Shift on duty on the first day of operations clean out lockers
Opening Day-2: Shift on duty on the second day of operations clean out lockers
Opening Day-1: Shift on duty on the third day of operations bring trucks to new house.
OPENING DAY: Official opening ceremony. Training day for Staff.
Opening Day+1: First shift on duty, first day of operations and fire response
Opening Day+2: Second shift on duty, second day of operations and fire response
Opening Day+3: Third shift on duty, third day of operations and fire response

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